Schleich - Frisian Mare
Schleich - Frisian Mare
The Frisian mare by Schleich® Horse Club enchants us with a majesticpose that is typical of large, elegant Frisian horses. Frisians were named after their home, the Dutch Friesland, and are one of theoldest horse breeds in Europe. They have a characteristic black coloured coat, amagnificent mane and a...


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    Schleich: Friesian Foal
    Schleich: Friesian Foal
    The little Friesian Foal has a coat just as jet black as hisparents. Only the hair is not yet so long and magnificent. But that will surely comewhen it grows into a stately, large thoroughbred horse. Its long legs alreadyshow that it will be a real eye-catcher one day....


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      Schleich: French Bulldog
      Schleich: French Bulldog
      French bulldogs are lapdogs with body and soul. French bulldogs are lapdogs with body and soul. They love nothing better thanbeing stroked for hours on end. They are very even-tempered and keep their calmeven in highly chaotic situations. But that’s not the only reason why Frenchbulldogs are such popular...

      $8.00 $9.99

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        Schleich: Fox
        Schleich: Fox
        The most famous species of fox is the red fox, which has acharacteristic red coat. The most famous species of fox is the red fox, which has a characteristic redcoat and white chest. Its large, bushy tail helps the small predator keep itsbalance when running. On cold days, it...


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          Schleich: Flowy Unicorn Mare
          Schleich: Flowy Unicorn Mare
          When the Flowy Unicorn Mare trots across the meadow, everyone turnsto look at her. She looks beautiful. Her flowing blue tail looks like a waterfall and herlush glittery mane flows elegantly down her back. Everything about this gorgeousunicorn reminds us of water. Maybe that's why the pretty mare is...


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            Schleich - Flower Pegasus
            Schleich - Flower Pegasus
            The shy and colorful flower pegasus by Schleich® bayala® livestogether with the sweet flower unicorn foal in the beautiful meadows of bayala®and is a friend of the royal sisters. He likes to meet Princess Surah at thewaterfalls The colorful flower pegasus by Schleich® bayala® is a magical animal. He...


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              Schleich - Flamingo
              Schleich - Flamingo
              In water, flamingos usually stand on one leg so that both feet don'tget cold. Pink? Purple? No, definitely pink! That’s what color of the Flamingo fromSchleich® WILD LIFE. At first, before it is fully grown, the feathers are stillgray. Then they turn this chewing gum pink from the shrimp...


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                Schleich - Fireman Smurf
                Schleich - Fireman Smurf
                Schleich – Fireman Smurf Oh dear Smurf! Whenever there's an emergency in Smurfville, our FirefighterSmurf from schleich® THE SMURFS™ is right on the spot. That's important,too. Especially if you're celebrating your birthday around a hot campfire. Bestinvite him, then nothing can go wrong. Features: Hand Painted & Highly Detailed...

                $9.00 $9.99

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                  Schleich: Fire Salamander
                  Schleich: Fire Salamander
                  The Fire Salamander looks beautiful with its patterned black and yellow shinyskin. Sitting on a mossy stone, it is quite easy to spot, especially since it ispretty large for an amphibian. Its bright body color protects it from predators.They may admire its beauty, but it doesn't look good enough...


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                    Schleich: Feeding the Forest Animals
                    Schleich: Feeding the Forest Animals
                    The animals in the forest are happy as can be, because they canalways find something to eat in the feeding trough. There's something for everyone: the Red Deer Doe and her calf are happyabout the food pellets, but they both also enjoy crunchy carrots. The shyhedgehog also likes to...

                    $46.00 $54.99

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                      Schleich - Farmer Smurf
                      Schleich - Farmer Smurf
                      Schleich – Farmer Smurf Oh dear Smurf! That's what our farmer Smurf from schleich® THE SMURFS™calls out loudly when his harvest turns out to be just as successful as he hadhoped when sowing the seeds. And it's the same every year. A perfect gift foryour birthday party in the...

                      $9.00 $10.99

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                        Schleich: Farm World Starter Set
                        Schleich: Farm World Starter Set
                        Cows moo differently in different regions, imitating the dialects of thefarmers in their own unique way. The first animals have arrived on the farm andfound a nice place in the stalls. In order to ensure that they develop properlyand that their numbers increase, the farmer only gives them the...

                        $58.00 $68.99

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                          Schleich : Fairy Surah with Glitter Pegasus
                          Schleich : Fairy Surah with Glitter Pegasus
                          Surah’s Pegasus is a magical creature. Its wings and manemagically reflect its friend’s colours. Together they fly to far-away places.Will you come along? A Pegasus is a magical creature and all elves know this. But Surah onlyknows how magical it really is since becoming its friend. One day, while...

                          $42.00 $49.99

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                            Schleich - Fairy Café Blossom
                            Schleich - Fairy Café Blossom
                            Schleich’s Fairy Cafe Blossom is a fun way to play pretend in the magicalland of Bayala. Ride your majestic foal into town and sit down and have a cup oftea and a slice of cake with your fairy friends. This set includes the blossomcafe with two pink fold-out petals...


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                              Schleich: English Thoroughbred Mare
                              Schleich: English Thoroughbred Mare
                              All English Thoroughbreds can be traced back to three Arab stallionsborn between 1680 and 1724. All English Thoroughbreds can be traced back to three Arab stallions bornbetween 1680 and 1724. Other breeds are often crossed with EnglishThoroughbreds to make them more elegant. English Thoroughbreds were particularlyinfluential on the development...


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                                Schleich - Emperor Penguin
                                Schleich - Emperor Penguin
                                The Emperor Penguin from Schleich® WILD LIFE has yellow spots on itsears and black and white plumage that looks like a tuxedo. The Emperor Penguin from Schleich® WILD LIFE is the largest and heaviestpenguin species. It is also unique for living so far south in Antarctica.Emperor Penguins don’t build...


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                                  Schleich - Elementa Fire Unicorn Stallion
                                  Schleich - Elementa Fire Unicorn Stallion
                                  Schleich – Elementa Fire Unicorn Stallion An orange-tinged coat as warm as the rising sun. A mane like wind-sweptflames. Fire-flecked fetlocks to match a blazing spirit. The Elementa FireUnicorn Stallion is a white-hot addition to the schleich® unicorn toycollection. In a fast gallop, the proud Elementa Fire Unicorn stallion...

                                  $35.00 $41.99

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                                    Schleich - Dromedary Camel
                                    Schleich - Dromedary Camel
                                    The dromedary from Schleich® Wild Life has, like in nature, just onehump. It is also known as a one-humped camel Dromedaries live in the deserts of Africa and Asia. They eat mostly leaves,dry grass, and thorny plants. The hump of the mammal isn’t used to storewater; it stores fat....

                                    $11.00 $13.99

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                                      Schleich: Donkey
                                      Schleich: Donkey
                                      Donkeys are frugal, balanced, and sure-footed. They do not run often,but with their little hooves, they can run up to 50 km / h fast. Fun Fact: Donkeys aren't always grey. They can also be brown, white,or black. The domestic donkey comes originally from the African donkey. It copes...


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                                        Schleich - Dimwitty Smurf
                                        Schleich - Dimwitty Smurf
                                        Schleich – Dimwitty Smurf What did you say? Dimwitty Smurf must have misunderstood something again! Heneeds a little longer and very clear instructions for everything he does.It's not that he's stupid, he just needs an extra minute to figure things out.Who can help him out? Features: Hand Painted &...


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