Sylvanian Families

Sylvanian Families: 3 Piece Furniture Suite
The essential living room piece. Traditional three piece suite featuring asofa, two armchairs, coffee table, cushions and a vase of flowers.Ages 4+ years.Contains small parts. Part of the Sylvanian Families Collection.
Sylvanian Families - Baby Amusement Park
Sylvanian Families babies have a wonderful day at theamusement park.There are 4 universes to discover: the marine world, the space world, themagical world and the celestial world. Crank the cranks to spin the Ferris wheeland rock the boat to the...
Sylvanian Families - Baby Balloon Playhouse
The Baby Balloon Playhouse is a playroom for baby figures in theshape of a balloon.This playroom has a star piano and an airplane bed for taking naps. There isa cloud pool outside of the playroom. This set includes a figure...
Sylvanian Families - Baby Castle Playground
Sylvanian Families – Baby Castle PlaygroundBaby Castle Playground is a castle-themed playground for babies, and includesone baby figure. Baby Castle Playground comes as a set with one Chocolate RabbitBaby figure. This playset is immediately ready for play as a stand-aloneproduct....
Sylvanian Families - Baby Choo-Choo Train
Sylvanian Families – Baby Choo-Choo TrainBaby Choo-Choo Train comes as a set with one Bear Baby figure. This playsetis immediately ready for play as a stand-alone product. The two train cars canbe pushed along the tracks by hand. One baby...
Sylvanian Families - Baby Ferris Wheel
Sylvanian Families – Baby Ferris WheelBaby Ferris Wheel's ferris wheel can be turned by holding onto the handleand turning to spin the circular base. The Sylvanian Families Baby-size ferriswheel and the Toy Poodle Baby are included in one set. Can...
Sylvanian Families - Baby Hedgehog Hideout
Come and join hedgehog baby Bilberry Bramble as he shows us aroundhis secret woodland den!Bilberry Bramble loves playing outdoors with his friends, and his secrethideout is a fantastic place to meet up and play. There’s a miniaturewood-burning stove with real...
Sylvanian Families: Baby High Chair
Sylvanian Families: Baby High ChairThe beautifully crafted baby high chair helps to make feeding time easier foryoung ones at any Sylvanian Families table. Figures not included.Includes: 1 x Baby Highchair 1 x feeding tray attachment 1 x Feeding utensils Suitable...
Sylvanian Families: Baby Mermaid Shop
Sylvanian Families: Baby Mermaid ShopDiscover the enchanting Shell Store Set, complete with a shell-shapedboutique, ocean-inspired accessories, and Gilly, the baby silk cat dressed as amermaid princess.Open the shell to reveal a magical mermaid store ready for setup. Arrange theplayful accessories...
Sylvanian Families - Baby Ropeway Park Playset
Sylvanian Families – Baby Ropeway Park PlaysetSwing through the trees with Baby Ropeway Park. Pull the end of the rope leftor right and watch Milk Rabbit Baby ride the gondola. There is an adventureplayground under the trees. Combine with Adventure...
Sylvanian Families - Baby Tree House
Sylvanian Families – Baby Tree HouseBaby Tree House includes Walnut Squirrel Baby and a cute little wooden roomfor him to play in. Baby Tree House includes a hammock, slide, and swing, sochildren can help babies play. They can also be...
Sylvanian Families - Baby Windmill Park
Baby Windmill Park is a playground set for baby figures, and includes awindmill, butterfly gondola, flower slide, and tulip seesaw. Includes thepopular Persian Cat Baby. Winding the windmill makes the butterfly gondola go upand down.Baby figures can be placed on...
Sylvanian Families - Babys Toys Playset
Sylvanian Families – Babys Toys PlaysetBabies Roy Pookie & Sophie Snow are best of friends, and love to playtogether in the nursery. This colourful set includes two figures, plus anopening toy box, play kitchen, rocking horse and a host of...
Sylvanian Families - Bakery Shop Starter Set
Sylvanian Families – Bakery Shop Starter SetThe Sylvanian Families Bakery Shop Starter Set comes with lots of toy bakedgoods for fun and varied bakery pretend play. Place the bread on the oven tray,turn the dial, and bake the bread. Combine...
Sylvanian Families: Bath Time Bubble Siblings
Sylvanian Families: Bath Time Bubble SiblingsThe set includes Christopher the Marshmallow Mouse and baby Edward in thecradle, as well as various bath accessories. The bath accessories include a babybathtub, floor-standing shower, bath toys and shower caps.Features: Shower caps and bubbles...
Sylvanian Families: BBQ Picnic Set - Elephant Girl
The BBQ Picnic Set – Elephant Girl – features Elephant girlMiriam in an exclusive outfit, along with accessories to enjoy pretendbarbecue play.This set comes with a figure and furniture and accessories for barbecuing andcan be played with on its own....
Sylvanian Families: Bear Family
Father Patrick Petite is Mayor of the Sylvanian Village and teaches at thelocal Country Tree School. He is always very busy. His favourite pastime isfishing… he once even saw he legendary fish “The King” of SparkleLake!Mother Margaret known to her...
Sylvanian Families: Blooming Baby Friends Series (Blind Box)
Sylvanian Families: Blooming Baby Friends Series(Blind Box)A cute baby collection that is fun to collect and play with, featuring babydolls and flower garden-themed accessories. A total of eight types, includingone Secret. Open it up and see which one you get!...
Sylvanian Families: Boutique Set
Sylvanian Families: Boutique SetCatch up on the latest fashions at the Sylvanian Boutique. Whether your afashionista or girl next door or just looking to update your wardrobe, theboutique always has a style to keep you looking fabulous!Set comes complete with...
Sylvanian Families: Breakfast Playset
Sylvanian Families: Breakfast PlaysetBreakfast is the most important meal of the day, so grab a plate andtuck in!Includes two place settings for a full breakfast with glass, plate and fork,plus waffle maker, toaster, basket of bread & fruit bowl.Figures &...
Sylvanian Families - Ceiling Light
The Ceiling Light is an electric room light fitting that can be installed ina Sylvanian Families houses. Combine with houses like Red Roof Cosy Cottage orRed Roof Country Home or shops and furniture (all sold separately) for moreimaginative playtime!Features: Requires...
Sylvanian Families - Celebration Windmill Gift Set
Sylvanian Families – Celebration Windmill Gift SetFeatures: A windmill cabin featuring a light blue roof and large windmillblades. Includes polar bear mother & child with original costumes. Replace the awning for the first baker's set and transform it into awindmill...
Sylvanian Families - Chocolate Labrador Family
Meet the Periwinkles, now in a brand-new updated stylefor 2023!The Sylvanian Families Chocolate Labrador Family are adored for their bigears and chocolate colour. This Sylvanian Family set comes with Father, Mother,Boy, Girl and three Babies.Features: Included: 1 dad figurine, 1...
Sylvanian Families: Chocolate Rabbit Baby and Crib Bed Set.
Chocolate Rabbit Baby and Crib Bed Set.Ages 4+ years.
Sylvanian Families - Chocolate Rabbit Family
Sylvanian Families – Chocolate Rabbit FamilyFor 2022 the Chocolate rabbit family have had a makeover! Originallyreleased in 2007 the Chocolate rabbits have become Sylvania's most iconic andwell-known family. To celebrate their 15th anniversary they have beenre-released in updated outfits.Features: Set...
Sylvanian Families: Chocolate Rabbit Mother Set
This super set includes rabbit mother Teri Chocolate along with her brand newFridge-Freezer – which as you can see is packed with goodies! Teri Chocolatemakes all the fillings for Frasier's chocolate creations. Her kitchen is alwaysfull of the rich smell...
Sylvanian Families: Chocolate Rabbit Sister Set
Freya Chocolate adores her desk with all its drawers and space for her globe,school bag, pencil holder, pencils, pencil sharpener and papers. Most eveningsshe can be found at her desk doing homework or drawing pictures for herfriends.Ages 4+ years.Contains small...
Sylvanian Families: Chocolate Rabbit Twins Set (5432)
Kabe and Breeze Chocolate love riding in their carriage, its large enough sothey can ride together. They both enjoy it when their mother takes them outsidefor a walk. Includes twins, pram, and toys.
Sylvanian Families: Cottontail Rabbit Family
Aaron Cottontail is a down-to-earth and hard working furniture maker. SorrelCottontail is a practical mother and home-maker, who spends all her spare timedecorating and improving the family's beautiful home.Gromwell Cottontail is a very energetic boy who loves football and cricket.Willow...
Sylvanian Families: Country Bathroom Set
The Country Bathroom Set is just the spot for Sylvanians to freshen up with abath after a long day playing and working in the idyllic land of Sylvania. Thisset includes lots of luxury bathroom accessories as pictured. Your miniaturefriends will...
Sylvanian Families: Country Home Furniture Set
Sylvanian Families: Country Home Furniture SetTransform your Sylvanian home into a cozy haven with this delightfulfurniture set!Features: Kickstart your dream country home with this fantastic starter set. This set includes everything you need to whip up delicious meals in thekitchen,...
Sylvanian Families: Country Tree School
Welcome to Country Tree School, the newest place for children to learn inSylvania! There are desks and chairs for six pupils, a teachers desk whiteboardand blackboard, plus an exciting big tree to climb in breaktime. A balconyoverlooking the beautiful Sylvanian...
Sylvanian Families - Crib with Mobile
The Crib with Mobile set comes with a cute crib that sleeps triplets (cradledbabies) side by side. Turn the flower dial on the side of the bed to make themobile spin. Pull down the foot board to make it a...
Sylvanian Families: Cycle & Skate Set - Panda Girl
Sylvanian Families: Cycle & Skate Set – PandaGirlSister Rosalina Pookie loves sports, especially anything on wheels. Cyclingand skating are two of her absolute favourite hobbies, and you’ll always findher whizzing around on her bike or roller blades. Her trusty bicycle...
Sylvanian Families: Dentist Set
"The Dentist Set includes a Dentist and accessories. A suitable item forplay with the Country Doctor and Country Nurse. (each sold separately).Contains small parts.Part of the Sylvanian Families Collection
Sylvanian Families: Double Push Chair
This side-by-side baby pushchair is designed for two babies to travel at thesame time. This gives parents taking the children out a much betterexperience!Ages 4+ years.Contains small parts.Part of the Sylvanian Families Collection.
Sylvanian Families: Dip Dip Donut Wagon
Sylvanian Families: Dip Dip Donut WagonThe whole town will recognize the donut delivery cart with its giant donut.This set includes the trolley, a deep fryer and the mother deer.Features: Donuts can be baked and then decorated with colorful toppings. This...
Sylvanian Families: Exciting Exploration Set - Latte Cat Brother & Baby
Sylvanian Families: Exciting Exploration Set – Latte Cat Brother& BabyThis new Exciting Exploration Set is the perfect addition to your collection,take your figures on an expedition with their safari hat, rucksack, lantern andbinoculars. This brand new set includes Mick the...
Sylvanian Families - Family Picnic Van
The Family Picnic Van is a car with a roof rack and space inside forup to eight Sylvanians.The rear seats are reversible and feature car seat fittings for your smallestbabies to travel comfortably. Remove the boot door and the internal...
Sylvanian Families: Family Seven Seater - Euro Version
Sylvanian Families: Family Seven Seater – EuroVersionLet the kid take the family out on a drive with the Sylvanian FamiliesBluebell Seven Seater Classic CarFeatures: Includes 3 baby seats Seats can be repositioned and removed Figures and some accessories shown on...
Sylvanian Families: Fashion Play Set - Jewels & Gems Collection
Play dress up with the Fashion Playset Jewels & Gems Collectionfeaturing Snow Rabbit Older Sister!Mix and match the fashion accessories to create unique outfits for her towear. Ready to play playset includes 3 inch Snow Rabbit Older sister who isposeable...
Sylvanian Families: Fashion Play Set - Shoe Shop
The Fashion Play Set – Shoe Shop Collection includes Melanie the CaramelDog older sister, clothing, shoes, fashion accessories, and a shoe rack.Includes six types of shoes, including pumps and sandals. Mix and match clothesand accessories to enjoy various outfits.Features: The...
Sylvanian Families - Fennec Fox Family (4-Pack)
The Sylvanian Families desert fox family Fennec is very skilled inhandling sandDesert fox father Ronald Fennec is a real sand artist and makes greatsculptures or pictures of sand. His art exhibitions are very well visited.Sharon Fennec, the desert fox mother,...
Sylvanian Families: Fennec Fox - Sunny Picnic Set
Sylvanian Families: Fennec Fox – Sunny Picnic SetIntroducing the Fennec Fox girl, Jasmine, and her baby brother Caleb. Thepushcart can be attached to pushcarts from other twin sets (sold separately).Combine with the Bakery Shop Starter Set (sold separately) for fun...
Sylvanian Families - Fennec Fox Twins
The Sylvanian Families desert fox family Fennec is very skilled inhandling sandSet featuring the Fennec Fox twins, known far and wide for their big, pointyears. Includes Fennec Fox twins and a pushcart. The figures' heads can be moved.Either of the...
Sylvanian Families - Floating Cloud Rainbow Train
Sylvanian Families – Floating Cloud Rainbow TrainFloating Cloud Rainbow Train features a lovely parade train with plenty ofmovable parts, along with the long-eared Fennec Fox baby. Moving the RainbowTrain along will make the cloud of smoke in its chimney move...
Sylvanian Families - Friesian Cow Family (4-Pack)
Sylvanian Families: Friesian Cow Family (4-Pack)The set contains four figures: father, mother, boy, and girl. The figures'arms, legs and heads can be moved to put them in different poses. Combine withother houses and furniture (sold separately) for even more imaginativeplaytime.Features:...
Sylvanian Families - Goat Family (4-Pack)
Four figure poseable goat family set with mother, father, sister andbaby sister.Father Billy Brightfield and his family moved to Sylvania when Billy got ajob there as the new village postman. As Sylvania has grown so much over thelast few years...
Sylvanian Families: Grocery Market - Playset
Run by mouse mother Bianca Marshmallow, the Grocery Market inSylvania stocks a great variety of every day necessities from milk and eggs, tofruit and veg. As its open ‘till late, you can always drop in at the GroceryMarket on the...
Sylvanian Families - Highbranch Giraffe Family (4-Pack)
Say hello to the Highbranch giraffe family!Egbert, the giraffe dad, is the epitome of peace and gentleness. He oftenforgets that he is very tall and bumps his head. He also likes old things andknows how to take care of them...
Sylvanian Families, created in 1985, are an adorable range of distinctive animal characters with charming and beautiful homes, furniture and accessories. Discover our selection of Sylvanian Families at Toy Titans.