LEGO Harry Potter

LEGO Harry Potter: Aragog in the Forbidden Forest - (76434)
Collectible LEGO Harry Potter Forbidden Forest playsetLet your young wizard, witch or Muggle play out magical adventures in theLEGO Harry Potter Forbidden Forest with this Aragog spider toy playset (76434).A magical gift for boys, girls and any Harry Potter fan...
LEGO Harry Potter: Buckbeak - (76427)
LEGO Harry Potter Buckbeak set for playful displayLet children relive spellbinding Harry Potter adventures and create a playfuldisplay with this Buckbeak toy (76427), the biggest-ever LEGO brick model of thebeloved Hippogriff. A fun gift idea for boys, girls and any...
LEGO Harry Potter: Diagon Alley Wizarding Shops - (76444)
A wizard LEGO Harry Potter gift set for adultsEscape to a magical world with this intricately detailed, microscale LEGOHarry Potter display model of the Diagon Alley wizarding shops (76444). ThisLEGO brick-built wizard set invites adult fans of Harry Potter fantasyadventures...
LEGO Harry Potter: Dobby the House-Elf - (76421)
Give your young Harry Potter™ fan the first LEGO® brick-builtmodel of Dobby™ the House-Elf, a beloved character in theWizarding World.Delight Harry Potter™ fans with the first-ever LEGO® brick model ofDobby™ the House-Elf. The instantly recognisable brick-built figure has aposable head...
LEGO Harry Potter: Flying Ford Anglia - (76424)
Buildable car toy, plus Harry Potter™ and RonWeasley™!Recreate Harry Potter™ and Ron Weasley’s thrilling journey toHogwarts™ in the Flying Ford Anglia™ (76424) car with this fantasy toyplayset for kids aged 7+. The LEGO® brick-built adventure toy car featuresopening doors and...
LEGO Harry Potter: Hagrid & Harry's Motorcycle Ride - (76443)
A magical birthday gift for kids who love HagridHold on tight for Hagrid & Harry’s Motorcycle Ride (76443) with thismagical toy for girls, boys and any fans of the Wizarding World. A coolbirthday gift for kids aged 9 and over,...
LEGO Harry Potter: Hagrid's Hut: An Unexpected Visit - (76428)
Magical fun for kids with this Hagrid’s hutbuilding toyRelive Harry Potter™ and friends’ unexpected visit to RubeusHagrid’s hut and role-play other Wizarding World adventures with this LEGO®Harry Potter fantasy toy playset for kids (76428). It features a buildable modelof Hagrid’s...
LEGO Harry Potter: Hedwig at 4 Privet Drive - (76425)
LEGO® Harry Potter™ Hedwig™ toy for display androle playNurture your youngster’s love for the Wizarding World of adventures withthis buildable fantasy toy for kids, featuring a model of Harry Potter’s petsnowy owl Hedwig™ at 4 Privet Drive (76425). The Hedwig...
LEGO Harry Potter: Hogwarts Castle - (71043)
Explore the magic of Hogwarts Castle!Make the magic come alive at the LEGO® Harry Potter 71043 Hogwarts Castle!This highly detailed LEGO Harry Potter collectible has over 6,000 pieces andoffers a rewarding build experience. It comes packed with highlights from theHarry...
LEGO Harry Potter: Hogwarts Castle: Charms Class - (76442)
Playful LEGO Harry Potter hero toy building kitfor kidsPlay out a spellbinding Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone scene inthe charms class at Hogwarts Castle with this wizard toy playset for kids(76442). A fun LEGO Harry Potter gift idea for...
LEGO Harry Potter: Hogwarts Castle: Duelling Club - (76441)
Fun Harry Potter treat toy for kidsPlay out a spellbinding Duelling Club scene from Harry Potter and the Chamberof Secrets with this LEGO Harry Potter: Hogwarts Castle wizard toy (76441) forages 8 and over. It features a buildable battle platform...
LEGO Harry Potter: Hogwarts Castle: Flying Lessons - (76447)
An enchanting, collectible Harry Potter gift for kidsRecreate Quidditch and Transfiguration classes from Harry Potter and thePhilosopher’s Stone with this LEGO brick-built Hogwarts Castle: FlyingLessons adventure set (76447) for kids. A wizard gift for boys, girls and anyHarry Potter fans,...
LEGO Harry Potter: Hogwarts Castle - Potions Class (76431)
LEGO Harry Potter potion class toy for kidsLet your young witch, wizard or Muggle join the Potions Class at HogwartsCastle with this collectible LEGO Harry Potter wizard toy (76431) for kids aged8 and over. It features a buildable Harry Potter...
LEGO Harry Potter: Knight Bus Adventure - (76446)
A unique kids’ toy building set for Harry Potter funAll aboard for a thrilling Knight Bus adventure with this LEGO Harry Pottermagic vehicle toy for kids (76446). A unique birthday present idea or treat toyfor boys and girls aged 8...
LEGO Harry Potter: Mandrake - (76433)
Unique LEGO Harry Potter toy figure for playful displayBring the wonder of a Hogwarts Herbology class into kids’ lives with thisLEGO Harry Potter Mandrake plant toy (76433), the first-ever LEGO brick figureof the screaming plant. A magical gift and home...
Manhattan Toy: LEGO Harry Potter Minifigure Plush Character - Albus Dumbledore
Manhattan Toy: LEGO Harry Potter Minifigure Plush Character –Albus DumbledoreKids will have a magical time engaging with the LEGO® Albus Dumbledore™plush character, perhaps in replicating their favourite scenes from the manyJ.K. Rowling's best-selling Harry Potter books and Warner Bros.Entertainment Inc.Harry...
Manhattan Toy: LEGO Harry Potter Minifigure Plush Character - Harry Potter
Manhattan Toy: LEGO Harry Potter Minifigure Plush Character –Harry PotterKids will have a magical time engaging with the LEGO® Harry Potter™ plushcharacter, perhaps in replicating their favourite scenes from the many J.K.Rowling's best-selling Harry Potter books and Warner Bros.Entertainment Inc.Harry...
Manhattan Toy: LEGO Harry Potter Minifigure Plush Character - Hedwig the Owl
Manhattan Toy: LEGO Harry Potter Minifigure Plush Character –Hedwig the OwlKids will have a magical time engaging with the LEGO® Hedwig the Owl™plush character, perhaps in replicating their favourite scenes from the manyJ.K. Rowling's best-selling Harry Potter books and Warner...
Manhattan Toy: LEGO Harry Potter Minifigure Plush Character - Hermione Granger
Manhattan Toy: LEGO Harry Potter Minifigure Plush Character –Hermione GrangerKids will have a magical time engaging with the LEGO® Hermione Granger™plush character, perhaps in replicating their favourite scenes from the manyJ.K. Rowling's best-selling Harry Potter books and Warner Bros.Entertainment Inc.Harry...
Manhattan Toy: LEGO Harry Potter Minifigure Plush Character - Lord Voldemort
Manhattan Toy: LEGO Harry Potter Minifigure Plush Character –Lord VoldemortEvery engaging story needs an antagonist and the LEGO® Lord Voldemort™plush character will fill that role during kids' imaginative play, perhaps inreplicating their favorite scenes from the many J.K. Rowling's best-sellingHarry...
Manhattan Toy: LEGO Harry Potter Minifigure Plush Character - Ron Weasley
Manhattan Toy: LEGO Harry Potter Minifigure Plush Character –Ron WeasleyKids will have a magical time engaging with the LEGO® Ron Weasley™ plushcharacter, perhaps in replicating their favourite scenes from the many J.K.Rowling's best-selling Harry Potter books and Warner Bros.Entertainment Inc.Harry...
Discover your favorite Harry Potter™ moments with our magical range of LEGO Harry Potter. Create your own Harry Potter world from Hogsmeade to Hogwarts and collect all the minifigures of your favourite characters like Harry, Ron and Hermoine!
Toy Titans stock a massive range of Harry Potter LEGO with fast delivery across New Zealand!