Science & S.T.E.A.M
4M: Colour Lab Mixer - Science Kit
Have fun experimenting with colours and light. Includes some great waterscience tricks to amaze your friends!4M Kidzlabs Colour Lab Mixer Kit is all about water science and experimentingwith colours and lights to create cool effects to show to your family...
4M: Bubble Science
Blow GIANT bubbles, unbreakable bubbles, bubble films and more! Appreciatethe simple beauty of bubble geometry, bubble art and bubble sculpture. Play lotsof bubble tricks and learn the science of bubbles while having fun! Thisultimate bubble science kit contains recipes to...
4M: Crystal Growing Dinosaur Crystal Terrarium
4M: Crystal Growing Dinosaur Crystal TerrariumGrow your own crystals and make an awesome dinosaur terrarium.Contents: White crystal compound, 3 small bags containingcolourant, 1 small bag containing white seed compound, 1 stirring bowl,2 white gravel, 1 stirring spoon, transparent cups (1...
4M: Crystal Growing - Magical Unicorn Crystal Terrarium
4M: Crystal Growing – Magical Unicorn CrystalTerrariumThe kit includes 2 unicorn toys and a transparent unicorn sticker which canbe added to the terrarium to make it a unicorn paradise.Features: A wonderful creative product for kids who love science and unicorns....
4M: Dig a Glow Pirate
4M: Dig a Glow PirateGet ready for a spinning adventure with the dancing pirate and itstreasure box!Place the treasure chest close to the pirate skeleton and watch it magicallystart to spin!Features: Dig out a glow pirate skeleton from the sandstone...
4M: Disc Launcher Spider Bot
4M: Disc Launcher Spider BotBuild this captivating Spider Bot that launches flying discs as if it isshooting its web in order to catch insects! Get ready to embark on a thrillinginsect-catching mission with the Disc Launcher Spider Bot! This innovative...
4M Disney: Mickey & Friends - Solar System Planetarium
Assemble your own planetarium model. Paint it and add highlights to createthe glow effect. Watch the 30cm model glow in the dark.Features: It's out of this world! Just assemble, paint and learn. Teaches children about the wonders of the solar...
4M: Excavation Kits Brachiosaurus Skeleton
Pretend being a palaeontologist by excavating the bones of a dinosaur thatroamed the Earth millions of years ago.Then put the pieces together to make the skeleton of a Brachiosaurus, one ofthe biggest that ever lived.Contains skeleton about 28cm long when...
4M: Excavation Kits - Mammoth Skeleton
Pretend being a palaeontologist by excavating the bones of a dinosaur thatroamed the Earth millions of years ago.Then put the pieces together to make the skeleton of a woolly Mammoth, foundfrozen deep in the Siberian ground.Contains skeleton about 21cm long...
4M: Excavation Kits Triceratops Skeleton
Pretend being a palaeontologist by excavating the bones of a dinosaur thatroamed the Earth millions of years agoThen put the pieces together to make the skeleton of a Triceratops, adinosaur like a prehistoric rhinoceros with three horns and a neck...
4M: Excavation Kits - Velociraptor Skeleton
Pretend being a palaeontologist by excavating the bones of a dinosaur thatroamed the Earth millions of years ago.Then put the pieces together to make the skeleton of a Velociraptor, a deadlypredator that ran on two legs.Contains skeleton about 21cm long...
4M: Fun Mechanics Tin Can Robot
Millions of soda cans are being wasted daily. Help recycle one of them andturn it into a cool robot which walks in silly movement when it isturned on.Contains a set of plastic mechanical body parts (assembly required), motorwith electric wires,...
4M: Giant Visible Padlock - Science Kit
4M: Giant Visible Padlock – Science KitBe a professional locksmith. Build a giant visible padlock. The visible pintumbler shows how a key opens a lock. Features: Be a professional locksmith. Build a giant visible padlock. The visible pin tumbler shows...
4M: Glow Critter Lab
4M: Glow Critter LabPreserving the wonders of the insect realm.Unveiling the intricacies of insects through our exquisitespecimen jars.Features: Creepy crawlies in light up tubes Science and Discover Add food colouring to change the colour of the tubes! (not included) Suitable...
4M: Green Science - Aqua Robot
Watch this Aqua Robot swim along when sunlight shines on it's solarcells. Aqua Robot can be powered by battery when there is nosunlightGreen Science from 4M produce environmentally friendly power sources thatwill definitely ignite children’s interests in science and theenvironmentKit...
4M: Green Science Build Your Own Wind Turbine
Watch this wind turbine capture the winds energy and turn it into a light,the kit will teach you how this vital renewable energy technology works, theblade span is 34cm with built. Contains every to make the turbine except sodabottle and...
4M Green Science - Green Rocket
Made from trash, powered by green energy. Enjoy blasting rocket fun byrecycling two drink bottles and a few old magazine pages. Stamp on the emptybottle and watch your rocket fly up to 25 metres (80ft). Learn the underlyingphysics. It is...
4M: Green Science - Grow A Maze
Can a plant find its way through a maze? It sounds impossible, but just watchas plants wind their way through a maze that you design. It's a-maze-ing! Youcan even watch the roots develop inside the transparent soil container. It's amini...
4M: Green Science - Rover Robot
This clever Rover Robot rolls along on solar power when the sun isshining. It can also be powered by battery when there is nosunlight.Green Science from 4M produce environmentally friendly power sources thatwill definitely ignite children’s interests in science and...
4M: Green Science Solar Rover Kit
Green Science from 4M produce environmentally friendly power sourcesthat will definitely ignite children’s interests in science and theenvironmentGreen Science kits demonstrate the basic principals’ of electricity andmechanics in a safe, fun and imaginative way. Children will engage with thescience without...
4M: Green Science - Solar System Kit
4M: Green Science – Solar System KitThis solar hybrid planetarium rotates with the power of the sun itself or theback-up battery. This planetarium is a model of our solar system. A fun andeducational green science kit from 4M. Includes solar...
4M: Kidz Labs Build Your Own Super Secure Money Safe
Probably the most secure money safe in the world! Build and configure thedigital lock, install an alarm buzzer. Challenge your friend and familyunlocking it, they will be amazed. It's a fun way to learning a lock structureand connecting a wire.Contains...
4M: Kidz Labs Buzz Wire Kit
Construct your own Buzz Wire and learn how to complete an electric circuit.Move the wand along the Buzz Wire from one end to the other. If the wand touchesthe wire, the circuit is closed, causing the buzzer to soundContains 1...
4M: Kidz Labs - Kitchen Science
Perform amazing experiments with everyday materials. A fun kit filled withinspiration. Contains 6 specially designed kitchen science experiments.Generate electricity by using a fork and lemon and light up a bulb. Launch arocket fuelled by baking soda and vinegar. Build a...
4M: Kidz Labs Magnet Science
Contains a super magnet set that could be transformed to perform 10 funexperiments and games. Make a super power horse shoe magnet or a magnet wand.Construct a super magnet racer, a yacht compass or a mysterious dangler. You canalso have...
4M: Kidz Labs Robotic Hand
Build your own robotic hand. Amaze your friends with this simple but funautomation!Contains mechanic plastic parts (assembly required), string, finger strawsand detailed instructionsAge: 8+ yearsContains small parts
4M: Kidz Labs Solar System Planetarium
Build your own 30cm glow-in-the-dark solar system planetarium model.Assemble, paint and highlight with glow effects.Contains 3D Solar System planetarium model, 1 brush, 1 strip of paint potsand glow paint, a stand and rotating arms, 9 steel bars, sand paper, Saturnring...
4M: Kidz Labs Volcano Making Kit
Make a solid volcano with the mould and plaster provided. Paint and decorateyour volcano with lava flow and landscape. Put baking soda and vinegar into thecrater and perform an amazing eruption that will erupt with bubblyfizzy lava.Contains volcano mould (2...
4M: Kidzlabs Crystal Science
Conduct different chemical experiments to grow your very own aqamarinecrystal cluster, glow in the dark quartz cluster and crystal tree.Learn how crystals are formed from solutions! Display them in a collectionand share them with your friends!Set contains large bag of...
4M: KidzLabs - Dig A Mosasaurus Skeleton
4M: KidzLabs – Dig A Mosasaurus SkeletonDig through the clay block, just like a paleontologist would to find yourdinosaur skeleton. Then put your skeleton together learning about dinosaurswhile you do it!Features: Dig A Mosasaurus Skeleton. Unearth nature's greatest secrets! After...
4M: KidzLabs - Finger Print Kit
Learn how to detect and collect fingerprints just like a forensicsexpert.Explore the fascinating science of fingerprint detection with the 4MFingerprint Kit. Learn how to detect and collect fingerprints just like aforensics expert. The kit contains ten (10) finger print cards,...
4M: KidzLabs Grow Your Crystal Geodes Science Kit
4M: KidzLabs: Grow Your Crystal Geodes – Science KitGrow your own beautiful sparkling crystal geode inside a crystal shell. Enjoythe moment when you reveal your crystal geode! Includes a specially designedcontainer for growing quality crystal geodes and contents for making...
4M: Kidzlabs Hologram Projector Kit
4M: Kidzlabs – Hologram Projector KitLearn the theory behind the magical 3D hologram and impress your friends withthe 3D images. Observe the 3D images come to life. Can be used with images onyour mobile phone.Features: Learn the theory behind the...
4M: KidzLabs - Intruder Alarm
4M: KidzLabs – Intruder AlarmLearn the science of connecting a circuit and build your very own kick wiredoor alarm with the Kidz Labs Intruder Alarm Kit. Install this do-it-yourselfalarm in your bedroom and stop those “unwanted intruders”. Comes with acyber-look...
4M: KidzLabs - Octopus Robotic Claw
4M: KidzLabs – Octopus Robotic ClawBe amazed by this soft bionic robotic claw. Build your own mechanical octopusgripper utilising man-made materials to mimic the movements of an octopus. Graband wrap around an object as a real tentacle would.Specifics: Range –...
4M: KidzLabs - Science Magic
Have fun amazing your friends and family with the ScienceMagic kit!Perform a variety of tricks using everyday objects and learn the corescientific principles behind each. From magnetism to mathematics to mindreading, you will discover that magic is all about science!...
4M: Kidzlabs - Tornado Maker
Recycle an empty bottle to construct this battery-operated Tornado Maker.Create a terrific tornado on your table top! Experience the mighty power of thisnatural phenomenon. Whoosh!Set contains base, battery cover, base cover, bottle holder, motor withwater-resistant ring installed, propeller, terminal caps,...
4M Kidzlabs - Traffic Light
Build this fantastic traffic light set. See how electronic circuits controlthe signals and coloured lights change.Features: Once built you can change the lights from auto to manual and watch as thered, amber and green lights activate. Play with all your...
4M: KidzRobotix - Money Bank Robot
4M: KidzRobotix – Money Bank RobotConstruct & Play.Give the money bank robot a coin and it swallows it up with a snap ofits jaws.
4M Marvel: Avengers - Motorised Robot Hand
Changing the pattern of the pegs on the drum changes how the fingers tap. Asthe drum turns the pins flick the fingers on the metal soundboard, and eachfinger taps out the beat.Features: Teach kids the wonder of robots and anatomy...
4M: Sci:Bits - Box Robot Kit
4M: Sci:Bits – Box Robot KitDoodle on the box surface to make your very own design. Learn simplemechanical science and circuit connection. See how your robot walks with cutemovements. Fun facts are included too. Turn the package box into the...
4M: Sci:Bits - Magnetic Unicorn Kit
4M: Sci:Bits – Magnetic Unicorn KitA unicorn that comes alive and dances when it gets close to the rainbow!Contents:
1 x Magnetic Unicorn
1 x Magnetic Rainbow
Suitable for ages 3 & up
4M: Sci:Bits - Table Top Volcano Kit
4M: Sci:Bits – Table Top Volcano KitCreate explosive volcanic eruption. Learn facts and structures of volcanoes.(Please Note: Baking Soda, vinegar, & food colouring sold separate).Contents: 1 Volcano body 1 Eruption Chamber 2 Sectional structure stickers Instructions Suitable for ages 3...
4M: Science Crystal Growing
Grow your colourful crystal in the container provided. It's a fun sparklingchemistry experiment.Contains 1 large bag with crystal base compound, 1 small bag colour seedingmixture, 1 clear container with cover, 1 spoon and detailed instructions.Age: 8+ years.Contains small parts.Please note:...
4M Science: Crystal Growing - Colour Changing Crystal Light
4M Science: Crystal Growing – Colour ChangingCrystal LightUse this simple kit to grow your own crystals and create a stunning displaywith the colour changing LED base! Conduct a number of crystal growingexperiments. It's fun to watch the sparkling crystals grow...
4M: Science Glow Crystal Growing
Grow your own beautiful crystals that will glow in the dark, its a fun andluminous chemistry experiment, contains 1 large bag containing white crystals,1 small bag containing glow powder, 1 crystal base, 1 transparent crystalstand, 1 container, 1 stirring spoon,...
4M: Science Solar Plane Mobile
Build this Solar Powered aircraft mobile. Put it in the sunlight and watch itglide around. Easy to assemble, no batteries, no pollution, cool andstriking.Set contains plane body halves, wing, horizontal stabiliser, solar panel,propeller, motor with wires, mobile structure, plane holder,...
4M: Science Zero Gravity Fridge Rover
Wind up the rover gear and let it go on the fridge. Watch it grip and go upon the fridge surface, defying the force of gravity.Contains fridge rover – 4cm long.Age: 8+ years.Contains small parts.
4M STEAM Girls: Crystal Garden Science Kit
4M STEAM Girls: Crystal Garden – Science Kit4M STEAM Powered Girls Crystal Garden Kit introduces children to chemistrywith a hands-on crystal growing experiment. Follow simple steps to grow crystalsin multiple different colors and sizes. Crystals grow in 7 days. Large...
4M STEAM Girls: Solar System String Lights Science Kit
4M STEAM Girls: Solar System String Lights –Science KitExplore all the wonders of outer space with this Sloar System String Lightskit. Assemble and paint your own mini-planetarium that lights up in the dark!Conatins 9 planet models, string lights, facts poster,...