Mystery Board Games
5 Minute Mystery: The Museum Of Everything
The MacGuffin is missing! You only have 5 minutes to search for clues, findthe culprit and crack the case!5-Minute Mystery is a high-intensity, deductive, mystery game in whichplayers work together to find a culprit hidden in a line-up of suspects.From...
50 Clues: Maria - Part 3 of 3
Years ago, a dead boy mysteriously disappeared after a bomb blast, leavingonly traces of blood at the scene. Now, promising clues have shown up, but noteveryone wants you to find the boy. “Keepers of Evil” is the third part ofthe...
Agatha Christie: Death on the Cards (Card Game)
There has been a murder and you must use your detective skills to uncover theculprit – however, the path of justice won’t be that simple for you havedeep dark secrets you want to keep hidden while trying to shine the...
Chronicles of Crime: 1900 (Board Game)
“You are Victor Lavel, a young ambitious journalist working for a majornewspaper. It's the year 1900, the middle of the Belle Époque, and Parisflourishes. There are so many stories to cover, the Exposition Universelle, theSummer Olympics, the opening of the...
Chronicles of Crime: 2400
It is the year 2400 and you are Kalia Lavel. You once dreamed offighting crime as a highly trained cyber-agent, but it quickly became obviousthat the corp you worked for only cared about their bottom line. So you quit andleft...
Chronicles of Crime (Board Game)
Chronicles of Crime: London Forensic Unit is a cooperative game ofcrime investigation, mixing VR experience and board gamingChronicles of Crime: London Forensic Unit is a cooperative game of criminalinvestigation mixing board games, an app and a touch of Virtual Reality....
Clue: Escape The Illusionists Club
When a famous magician goes missing, the heat is on to find her! AdelaideSable is performing her Mirror Walk illusion, when the theater fills with smokeand a scream rings out. Sable has vanished! Now players must escape the magicclub and...
Cluedo - Batman Edition
Discover who kidnapped Commissioner Gordon in BatmanCluedo.Police Commissioner Gordon has been kidnapped whilst investigating corruptionin the Gotham City Police Department. It is your job as Batman to locate whereCommissioner Gordon is being held, who is responsible for his kidnapping andwhich...
Cluedo - Dragon Ball Z Edition
The time is now! In Dragon Ball Z Cluedo, Goku and his allies must piecetogether the clues and hatch a Plan to stop a hidden enemy from capturing one ofthe prized Dragon Balls.Taking on the roles of six of the...
Cluedo - Dungeons & Dragons Edition
In Dungeons & Dragons Cluedo, it’s up to you to determine WHO hasbeen replaced by a devil in disguise, WHAT weapon was used in the execution, andWHERE in the Forgotten Realms the Infernal Puzzle Box could be hidden.Join Reya Mantlemorn,...
Cluedo - Scooby-Doo Edition
Mrs White is experiencing a spell of abductions at her Haunted Mansion inScooby-Doo Cluedo!In distress over this troubling situation, Mrs White has invited Scooby-Doo andthe gang over to investigate.Always up for an exciting mystery, the friends dress up as their...
Cluedo - The Classic Mystery Game
Reclusive millionaire Samuel Black’s been murdered in his mansion. Nowit’s up to you to crack the case. Question everything to unravel the mystery.Who did it? Where? And with what weapon? Ransack the mansion for clues, askcunning detective questions and leave...
Cluedo - Treachery at Tudor Mansion
The classic Cluedo story in an escape roomboard game!You're a guest at Mr. Boddy's mansion when suddenly you hear a shriek, thelights go out and you find Mr. Boddy dead! You and your fellow players are thenput to the ultimate...
Cold Case: A Pinch of Murder (Board Game)
In 1983, Harold Green, a sweet old man adored in his community, planned toattend his church’s annual summer fair in Melmbury, England. When he nevershowed up, a casual search led to the discovery of his dead body. The murder wasnever...
Cold Case: A Story to Die For (Board Game)
In 1988, Andy Bailey, a 23-year-old investigative reporter, was foundshot to death in the small town of Camdale, England.Despite their best efforts, the police never found his murderer. In ColdCase: A Story to Die For, YOU investigate the cold case...
Cold Case - Murder with Interest (Board Game)
Immerse Yourself in a Cold Case Mystery!In the Cold Case series, you have been summoned to investigate the unsolvedcases of victims murdered decades ago, piecing together the details that thepolice could never find. Inside the box, you will find realistic...
Cranium: Big Brain Detective Game
Cooperative gameplay brings families together to find clues and crack cases,by playing on a larger-than-life, 800 square-inch, vibrantly illustrated gamemap that provides endless visual delight and hours of fun for children. Includes 300 mysteries for hours of puzzle-solving fun! Features...
Curse of the Dark
Investigate the mystery of a doomed village and its cursed castle in thisthrilling escape room game! You couldn't resist the allure of Mordengraf: aremote mountain village, overshadowed by an imposing Gothic castle and hauntedby a spate of mysterious disappearances. Could...
Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game
In Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game you are going to solve FIVEdifferent cases and find out what connects themYou are going to BREAK THE 4th WALL by using every resource you can, you aregoing to browse the game's DEDICATED...
Escape from the Starline Express
Young crime reporter Betty Willson has been given the task of investigatingthe shocking theft of the Black Widow diamond. She tracks down the notoriousRag-Tag Crew – the only suspects – to a sleeper train on its way to Paris.Can you...
Escape Room the Game: Space Station (Expansion Pack)
Can you keep your cool under pressure?Escape Room the Game from Spin Master brings the thrill and mystery of anescape room to your home. Work together to solve puzzles and find hidden cluesto escape before time runs out! The Space...
Escape Room the Game: 4 Rooms + Introduction Game
Welcome to Escape Room the Game by Identity GamesFeel the thrill and enjoy the mystery from an escape game in your own home!As is the case in many Escape Rooms across the world, you are “locked-in” inthis game and the...
Escape Room the Game: Family Edition - Jungle
The new adventures take place in the Jungle!Ever wanted to play an Escape Room at home with the Family? Now is thechance. Escape Room The Game family edition is made for families with kids aged10+. This new game contains three...
Escape Room the Game: 2 Players - Prison Island & Asylum
Keep your cool in a race against the clock!Feel the tension of an Escape Room in your own living room! In thischallenging 2-player version of the world famous Escape Room The Game, you and ateammate are going to solve puzzles...
Escape Room the Game: Family Edition - Time Travel
The PresentYou just learned that your history teacher Professor Jura dedicates herprivate life to keeping the evil supervillain Doctor Quarks from taking over thecity of Lockholm. Now things are getting serious and she needs your help, beforeQuarks attacks her secret...
Escape Room the Game: Murder Mystery (Expansion Pack)
Rascals! As you enter the crime scene, you realize this won’t beeasy. Although you’ve solved numerous murder cases in the past and youaren’t easily shocked, you’ve stumbled upon a real doozy.This would be a high-profile case. Not only was the...
Escape Room the Game: Puzzle Adventures - Secret of the Scientist
In this perfect hybrid between Escape Rooms and jigsaw puzzles, players getto unfold a mystery piece by piece!Features: 1 big puzzle (house) consisting of 5 separate puzzles (rooms). Perfect balance between Escape Rooms and jigsaw puzzles. Playable with or without...
Escape Room the Game: Puzzle Adventures - The Baron, the Witch & the Thief
In this Escape Room-meets-jigsaw puzzle board game, you must solve theriddles in order to earn new puzzle pieces and unlock new rooms. It's your onlyway to exit the game and survive.Thanks to the packaging's clever advent calendar design, you solve...
Escape the Room - Murder in the Mafia
Experience a thrilling murder mystery escape room right in your veryown home.The first thing you notice when you enter your office is MickeyMahone's dead body. Mickey was the chief enforcer for the local mafia. You'vehad your run-ins with Mickey and...
Exit the Game Advent Calendar - The Silent Storm (Board Game)
The Christmas workshop has never been busier! For more than two monthsyou’ve been working hard so that by the 24th, everything will be ready. As oneof the chief toymakers in the workshop, you have your hands full. You aretesting out...
Exit the Game: The Abandoned Cabin
“Exit’s puzzles strike a perfect balance between logic andlateral thinking, and tease as much as they test.” – Quintin Smith (Shut Up& Sit Down)Everyone meant to use the cabin only as a shelter for the night, but come themorning the...
Exit the Game: Kidnapped in Fortune City
Crime runs rampant in the frontier town of Fortune City, and now the sheriffhas disappeared like a tumbleweed in a dust storm. With precious little time,you must try to find him by uncovering clues and evidence in the saloon,drugstore, gunsmith,...
Exit the Game Kids - The Jungle of Riddles (Card Game)
You can hardly believe your luck! First, you discovered a previously unknownisland. And now, deep in the jungle, you have found nine mysterious treasurechests! But this is no ordinary island — you have landed on the island ofriddles, where the...
Exit the Game: The Deserted Lighthouse (Includes 4 Puzzles)
Bringing you the magic of EXIT games with the delight ofpuzzlesStart the game with a puzzle bag containing unmarked puzzle pieces and adecoder disk. Assemble the puzzle to create an image that shows you what youneed to find in the...
Exit the Game: The Enchanted Forest
Exit the Game: The Enchanted Forest is a puzzle game modelled after escaperooms, and it includes components meant to be folded, written upon, or torn, soit's marketed as a single-use game. A relaxing walk in the woods takes a verydifferent...
Exit the Game: The Forbidden Castle
The sea is calm. The sun is shining.You’re on the perfect sailing excursion. But then you spot something on thehorizon. Dark clouds are rolling in unusually fast. Soon the sun has disappearedand darkness has surrounded you. Everything is absolutely still...
Exit the Game: The Gate Between Worlds
What is hidden behind the mysterious gate in the cave? Driven by curiosityand with a queasy feeling in the stomach, the players move towards a dark goal.All of a sudden they are drawn in and everything goes black around them....
Exit the Game: The Haunted Rollercoaster
Dark corridors, terrifying shrieks, bone-chilling monsters sounds like a lotof fun, right? At least that's what you thought when you decided to take a rideon the haunted roller coaster at the amusement park. But suddenly you are stuckin a really...
Exit the Game: The House of Riddles
You and your fellow detectives are summoned to an abandoned house. Neverwanting to turn down an unsolved mystery, you arrive at the house. Suddenly, youhear screams and see that the entrance has shut behind you. What's happeninghere? Will you be...
Exit the Game: The Lord of the Rings - Shadows Over Middle-Earth
Hurry up, hobbits, because a threat grows in the land of Mordor where theshadows loom. Frodo and his companions have set out to save Middle-earth, andthe fate of the free world is now in their hands — and in the...
Exit the Game: The Mysterious Museum
You are on a trip to the Florence Natural History Museum, intent on visitingthe sunken treasure of the Santa Maria. Your relaxing day at the museum isquickly derailed by an incredible adventure! Can you solve the mysteries of themuseum and...
Exit the Game: The Pharaoh's Tomb
“EXIT’s puzzles strike a perfect balance between logic andlateral thinking, and tease as much as they test.” – Quintin Smith (Shut Up& Sit Down)The excursion to the Valley of the Kings is the highlight of your vacation toEgypt. As you...
Exit the Game: The Polar Station
A wonderfully mild morning in the Arctic — only –15°Celsius!You belong to a large research organisation, which is divided between severalstations. As part of Division IMB-Q-12, you are researching climate change atthe North Pole. Everything is strictly secret and you...
Exit the Game: The Return to the Abandoned Cabin
Exit the Game: The Return to the Abandoned Cabin is a sequel to Exit theGame: The Abandoned Cabin with lots of new puzzles and tools.One ordinary morning, a police detective rings your doorbell. He asks you tocome with him —...
Exit the Game: The Sinister Mansion
You are invited to be a guest at a palatial mansion, but upon arrival, youfind yourselves forced to take part in a macabre game. The clock is ticking, andthere is not much time left to solve the puzzles. Can you...
Exit the Game: The Sunken Treasure
Setting sail for dangerous waters, you embark on a treacherous quest for thelegendary treasure of the Santa Maria. While investigating a mysteriousshipwreck, something goes terribly wrong and you are trapped deep underwater!Can you solve the riddles of the wreck and...
Exit the Game: The Theft on the Mississippi
In the EXIT game “The Robbery on the Mississippi” find the 1–4 playersin a tense story again: They slip into the roles of detectives on a Mississippisteamer. The captain needs her help to solve a robbery on board. As fast...
Exit the Game: The Secret Lab
“EXIT’s puzzles strike a perfect balance between logic andlateral thinking, and tease as much as they test.” – Quintin Smith (Shut Up& Sit Down)As the subjects of a medical study, the players have checked into a lab, butwhile they're on...
221b Baker Street: The Sherlock Holmes Master Detective Game
Use your powers of deduction to solve all of the forty mysteries SherlockHolmes cases available in this thought provoking game. Move around the streetsof London collecting clues, then outwit and obstruct your opponents to make itback to Baker Street with...
Host Your Own Escape Room Game Egypt Edition
The mighty pharaoh has been stirred from his eternal slumber and holds youresponsible! Can you solve the string of puzzles in just 60 minutes and uncoverthe spell to restore him to his state of rest and escape his curse?First, it's...