LEGO Classic: Blue Baseplate - (11025)
Lay the foundations for creative play with the LEGO® Classic BlueBaseplate (11025). Measuring over 9.5 in. (25cm) square, this high-qualitytoy-building base gives kids a spacious 32×32-stud LEGO landscape on which tobuild, play and display.Inspire LEGO builders with a dazzling array...
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LEGO Classic: Creative Dinosaurs - (11041)
Dinosaur figures for kids to build and customiseLEGO Classic Creative Dinosaurs (11041) is a kids’ dinosaur toy featuringbrick-built figures in blue, green, purple and brown. This endlessly versatilebuilding set gift for kids is a great toy for developing creative constructionskills...
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LEGO Classic: Creative Food Friends - (11039)
Endlessly versatile Creative Food Friendsbuild-and-play setLEGO Classic Creative Food Friends (11039) is a versatile building set forkids aged 4 and over. Featuring a range of fun food characters, thisimaginative toy is ideal for pretend play. With endless opportunities to build,rebuild...
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LEGO Classic: Creative Happy Box - (11042)
Colourful bricks and pieces for fun and functionalbuildingGive a young builder the best start with LEGO Classic Creative Happy Box(11042). With 680 colourful bricks and special elements, plus an inspirationalguide, the happy building will never end.The Creative Happy Box includes...
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LEGO Classic: Green Baseplate - (11023)
Set the scene for open-ended creative play with the LEGO® ClassicGreen Baseplate (11023). Measuring over 9.5 in. (25cm) square, this greentoy-building base gives kids a spacious 32×32-stud LEGO landscape on which tobuild, play and display.Inspire LEGO builders with a dazzling...
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LEGO Classic: Grey Baseplate - (11024)
Lay the foundations for open-ended creative play with the LEGO®Classic Gray Baseplate (11024). Measuring over 14.5 in. (38cm) square, thishigh-quality building toy gives kids a spacious 48×48-stud LEGO landscape onwhich to build, play and display.Inspire LEGO builders with a dazzling...
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LEGO Classic: Large Creative Brick Box (10698)
Create all kinds of buildings with LEGO® bricks, windows and doors!Build up a storm with this big box of classic LEGO® bricks in 33 differentcolors. With lots of different windows and doors, along with other specialpieces to inspire you, you...
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LEGO Classic: Magical Transparent Box - (11040)
Colourful, translucent bricks for creatingmagical modelsLEGO Classic Magical Transparent Box (11040) will provide creative fun thatlasts and lasts. With 340 colourful bricks, many of them transparent, plus avariety of special elements, this build-and-display set inspires kids’creativity with enchanting models and...
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LEGO Classic: Medium Creative Brick Box (10696)
Create your own LEGO® vehicles with LEGO Classic!Designed with builders of all ages in mind, this collection of LEGO® bricksin 35 different colors will encourage open-ended building play, and inspire anyimagination. Windows, eyes, and lots and lots of wheels add...
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LEGO Classic: White Baseplate - (11026)
Lay the foundations for open-ended, imaginative play with the LEGO®Classic White Baseplate (11026). Measuring over 9.5 in. (25cm) square, thisbright white building toy gives kids a spacious 32×32-stud LEGO landscape onwhich to build, play and display.Inspire LEGO builders with a...
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