Uncover Cold War secrets in the final installment of the Pandemic Legacytrilogy.
A Time of Great Need
1962. The Cold War continues as a new threat looms on the horizon: a deadly newSoviet bioweapon, something called Project MEDUSA. You and your fellow medicalgraduates have been called up to the CIA for the critical mission ofinvestigating and preventing its development. Travel the world using carefullyconstructed aliases to move swiftly between Allied, Neutral, and Soviet cities.Your missions will require you to eliminate Soviet operatives, acquire specifictargets, and set up other CIA agents on location to execute your operationswithout a hitch. As you complete objectives over the course of 12 months, eachsuccess or failure will bring you closer to the truth.
The Clock Is Ticking
Combatting this dangerous new pathogen is of utmost importance, but it’s notthe only threat you’ll encounter in the field. Soviet agents are taking rootin all parts of the world, and it’s critical to your mission that you keepthem contained before they can escalate international tensions. Luckily for you,you won’t be without backup. Coordinate with other covert CIA operatives forassistance—they’re particularly effective at making Soviet spiesdisappear… quietly. Make strategic use of CIA teams at different locations toclean up the board and keep your eye on your main objectives.
The Final Chapter
Designed as a prequel, Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 does not require you to havecompleted Seasons 1 and 2 before diving into this Cold War spy thriller. Justlike the first two Pandemic Legacy games, each time you play brings new cards,rules, and conditions that affect future games. Each alias you create will gaincontacts and other assets to execute your plans more smoothly. And, of course,the CIA will be watching and evaluating your performance in the field. Worktogether with your fellow agents to prevent this new biothreat—the fate of theworld depends on it. Can you save humanity once again?
1 Rulebook, 1 Board, 4 Pawns, 36 Agents, 8 Safehouses, 7 Incident Tokens,1 Threat Level Marker, 24 Tracking Tokens, 3 Completed/Failed ObjectiveTokens, 9 Teams (3 Allied, 3 Neutral, 3 Soviet), 4 Reference Cards,4 Passports, 1 Intelligence File, 1 Personnel File, 3 Sticker Sheets,48 Threat Cards, 58 Player Cards, 4 Temporary Aliases, Legacy Deck(2 Parts), Debrief Book, 3 Dossiers, Deck of 42 Operations Cards, 8 SafeDeposit Boxes
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Product Code: 33593551
Barcode: 841333111038
Publisher/Brand: Pandemic (Board Game)
Categories: Adults , All, Best Selling Toys, Board Games , Boost All, Teens , Toys On Sale