Catan: Family Edition
This is a stand-alone game and requires no base game to play! It isnot compatible with the expansions and extensions of the regularCATAN game!Get together with friends or family. Learn to play in about15 minutes. Then enjoy countless hours of...
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Catan - 3D Edition
Catan – 3D EditionThe island of Catan rises up from the table for an immersive gameexperience like no other.In CATAN, players try to be the dominant force on the islandof Catan by building settlements, cities, and roads. On each turn,...
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Catan (5th Edition) - Base Game
Welcome to the world of Catan – a beautiful and uncharted island rich innatural resources. You and your fellow settlers must build, trade, andstrategize your way to supremacy on Catan. This fifth edition of the game boastsnew artwork, redesigned components,...
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Catan Accessories: Dice Hexatower (Red)
The Hexatower is a premium dice tower in the famous hexagonal shape of CATAN.It has an innovative Nexofyber surface and a soft, silver fabric inner lining.The premium materials ensure a comfortable touch-and-feel experience anddice-rolling is enhanced by a pleasant sound....
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Catan Accessories: Hexadocks Expansion Set
Ready to settle! CATAN Hexadocks will keep all your wooden game componentssafely stored and perfectly organized. With this smart wooden parts holder youare ready to play right out of the box. No need to count that you have the rightnumber...
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Catan Accessories: Trading Post
The all-in-one-solution to carry, organize, and hold your CATAN® cardsduring the game. The Trading Post works perfectly as a card holder with 6 cardcompartments that accomodate sleeved cards. The upper level can be seamlesslyslid backwards to allow free access to...
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Catan: Dawn of Humankind (Board Game)
CATAN returns to the prehistoric era with this upcoming title. Experience theDawn of Humankind, as you guide the journey of the human family tree from itsroots in Africa to the far reaches of the globe.Dawn of Humankind is a reboot...
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Catan - 5-6 Player Extension
You can settle Catan with up to 6 players.If you want to play the CATAN base game with 5 or 6 players, just add thisbase game extension.The Dice Tower Seal of Approval is a trademark of The Dice Tower, LLCand...
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Catan Histories: Settlers of America
The 19th Century has arrived and America is expanding west. Wagontrains filled with settlers seeking new lives and opportunities strike out totame the wild land of the west.As more and more settlers head west, new cities pop up like mushrooms....
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Catan Junior (Board Game)
CATAN Junior is for families with children ages 6–9. Simplifiedbuilding rules, child-oriented trading, and a more innocuous robber equivalentcalled the “Ghost Captain” provide access to the world ofCATAN games.CATAN Junior takes families with children ages 6 and up to a...
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Catan Scenario - Soccer Fever (Expansion)
Soccer fever has gripped the island of Catan. You and your fellow Cataniansare swept up in supporting your hometown teams. Will they win the most matchesand finish the season with the championship cup?Catan Scenario – Soccer Fever is a lighthearted...
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Catan Scenario: The Helpers
This reboot of The Helpers of Catan features the same playerpowers with all-new-characters plus two new abilities, beautifully illustratedwith fresh and vibrant new art.This scenario can be used with CATAN base game and CATAN –Seafarers.Meet your new best friends on...
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Catan: Seafarers 5-6 Player Extension
Expand your Catan game with the Seafarers 5–6 Player Extension! Please notethat this is not an expansion on its own, and requires the Catan base game,Catan 5–6 Player Extension, and Catan Seafarers to play.With the Seafarers 5–6 Player Extension, you...
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Catan Seafarers Scenario - Hawai'i (Expansion)
Discover the enchanting paradise of CATAN – Hawai'i, where your Hawaiianfishing adventure awaits!Immerse yourself in the captivating beauty of this tropical locale asCATAN – Hawai'i brings the excitement of the beloved CATAN expansion,Seafarers, to a whole new level.To embark on...
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Catan Starfarers (Board Game)
The classic returns!Finally, a jump to the stars has succeeded! It is the middle of the3rd millennium. You and your fellow Catanians travel in spaceships to distantplanetary systems in search of more resources.Along the way, you befriend alien civilizations who...
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Catan Starfarers Duel
In CATAN: Starfarers Duel, you explore the vastness of space, fly to distantplanets, buy and sell resources, found colonies, and establish traderelations — all while keeping an eye out for pirates who threaten mischief.Perhaps you also want to arm your...
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Catan Starfarers Scenario - New Encounters (Expansion)
Catan Starfarers Scenario – New Encounters adds three exciting newscenarios with unique rules to Catan Starfarers for an even more epic race toexplore the galaxy. Explore the amoebas, defeat the elusive pirate Hog Kahm, andfind the long forgotten lost people...
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Catan: Traders & Barbarians 5-6 Player Extension
You can settle Catan and enjoy the variants and scenarios with traders,barbarians, and much more with up to 6 players.Please note: You will need the CATAN base game, the Traders &Barbarians expansion, and both the CATAN base game 5–6 player...
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Catan: Traders & Barbarians Expansion
This expansion is not a standalone game. Requires the CATAN base gameto play.While expansion is the hallmark of Seafarers and Cities & Knightsstands out because of its intricacy, Traders & Barbarians is characterizedby variation.Well-tried variants such as CATAN Event Cards,...
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Rivals for Catan: Age of Enlightenment (Card Game Expansion)
The Rivals for Catan: Age of Enlightenment contains three expansion sets(125 Cards Total) for The Rivals for Catan (released in Germany as Die Fürstenvon Catan). These theme sets – “The Era of Explorers”, “The Era ofSages”, and “The Era of...
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Rivals for Catan - Deluxe Edition
Enjoy playing Rivals for CATAN, the comprehensive, revised edition ofthe successful former CATAN Card Game!Submerge yourself into the bustling life on Catan – be the prince orprincess of Catan and decide on the fate of its settlers. In addition tosettlements,...
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Struggle for Catan (Card Game)
A card game? Isn't there one already? Indeed, Rivals for CATAN is acard-based strategy game for two players. However, while Rivals for CATAN ismore like a board game, Struggle for CATAN is more like a card game. Featuringonly 110 cards...
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The Rivals for Catan (Card Game)
Enjoy playing Rivals for CATAN, the comprehensive, revised edition ofthe successful former CATAN Card Game!Submerge yourself into the bustling life on Catan – be the prince orprincess of Catan and decide on the fate of its settlers. In addition tosettlements,...
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Catan or Settlers of Catan is a world famous board game where players arrive upon a new land called Catan and work to control it's resources and build their empires! Catan starts with a base game and has many expansions to add more players and explore new lands and even new planets! Check out our range of Catan games at Toy Titans...

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