Funtime: Build A Volcano
Funtime: Build A VolcanoContains everything you need to build your own erupting volacnoBuild-your-own erupting volcano with this simple-to-use kit that is botheducational and great fun! Watch how the chemical reactions cause the lavato flow.Features: Chemicals included in the kit are...
$42.99 $36.00
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Funtime: Build Your Own Moving Tank
Funtime: Build Your Own Moving TankBuild your own motorised tank.Easy to build cardboard model using basic construction skills. Rubber bandtracks simulate tracked movement, and the motor and batteries enable the tank tomove across the room on it's tracked wheels.Features: Follow...
$22.99 $19.00
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Funtime Card Shuffler
Give a professional edge to those card sessions. Perfectly shuffle up to twopacks of cards at a time. Give card sessions a professional edge Perfectly shuffle up to two packs of cards at a time Requires four AA batteries, not...
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Funtime: Dig and Discover Space
Funtime: Dig and Discover SpaceChip away from the lunar surface until you reveal hidden treasures!This square of lunar landscape contains hidden gems and artefacts. Using thewooden mallet and chisel, carefully chip the compacted rubble then brush away tounearth 9 hidden...
$29.99 $25.00
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Funtime: Fiddle Fingers
Funtime: Fiddle FingersThe latest installment of the Fidget Phenomenon Cube. Six new funtions tosoothe away the stress…If you need your nerves calming or your boredom feeding this little andhighly addictive cube is just the device for you. Keep it in...
$17.99 $15.00
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Funtime: Dinosaur Pinball
Funtime: Dinosaur PinballPull down the spring and watch the ball shoot up the track!Enjoy this classic arcade game in your own home. Pull down the spring andwatch the ball shoot up the track!Features: Dinosaur-themed pinball set Includes 6 ball bearings...
$17.99 $15.00
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Funtime: Glow Stars In A Tin
Funtime: Glow Stars In A TinCreate a galaxy in your own home with this tin of fifty luminous stars,rockets, planets and moons.Each metal tin contains 50 pcs consisting of large stars, small stars,rockets, 24 shooting stars and planets plus 50...
$17.99 $15.00
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Funtime: Glowing Night Dinos
Funtime: Glowing Night DinosGlow in the dark dinosaurs!Glow in the dark dinosaur shapes… perfect for creating a luminousprehistoric world!Features: Contains 50 luminous dinosaur-shaped pcs Content sizes vary Glowing in the dark Suitable for Ages 3+
$19.99 $16.00
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Funtime: Infinity Spinning Top
Funtime: Infinity Spinning TopThe top that will spin forever.Once the central button has been activated the mesmerising top will then spinfor hours or maybe even days on end. 32 different light patterns flash akaleidoscope of colour before your eyes. Great...
$29.99 $25.00
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Funtime: Intergalactic Space Pinball
Funtime: Intergalactic Space PinballSpace-themed pinball setEnjoy this classic arcade game in your own home. Pull down the spring andwatch the ball shoot up the track!Features: Includes 6 ball bearings 25cm tall x 13.5cm wide High quality, metal backed Suitable for...
$17.99 $15.00
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Funtime: Inflatable Globe
Funtime: Inflatable GlobeA beautifully made 3D LED lamp of the earth that makes a great addition toany bedroom or desk.Just touch the base of the globe to turn on, switch off and change between2 illumination styles plus a dim/brighten functionFeatures:...
$14.99 $12.00
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Funtime: Light-Up Skipping Rope - Pink
Funtime: Light-Up Skipping RopeOur light-up skipping rope is perfect for those that like to play and keepfit as well as bring a bit of glamour to the game!Features: 2.5m long rope with soft non-slip handles Perfect for both children and...
$36.99 $31.00
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Funtime: Light Up Wrist Ball
Funtime: Light Up Wrist BallGive your forearms and biceps an almighty workout! Using a Wrist ExerciseBall is the most effective and convenient device to increase muscle strength inyour arm, wrist and hand.This tennis ball size gadget works via a ball...
$34.99 $29.00
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Funtime: Memory Maze - Sequence Challenge
Funtime: Memory Maze – Sequence ChallengeCan you remember and copy the ever-increasing random flashing light and soundsequence?Features: The memory maze now comes in plastic-free packaging. Can you remember the ever-increasing random flashing light and soundsequence? Follow 15 steps to win....
$14.99 $14.00
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Funtime: My World Dynamo & Solar Torch
Funtime: My World Dynamo & Solar TorchSimply powered by the sun or dynamo. No batteries required.Charge this handy torch by leaving in the sun!Three hours in the sun results in 45–60 minutes of bright torch light,alternatively wind the handle for...
$29.99 $25.00
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Funtime: My World Headlamp
Funtime: My World HeadlampHands-free, powerful LED headlamp torchFeatures: Ultra-bright red and white Led Lights Red LED to enable night-time tracking without disturbing the wildlife Hands free night-time viewing Adjustable lamp for easy directional lighting Adjustable strap to fit most head...
$29.99 $25.00
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Funtime: Newtons Cradle
Funtime: Newtons CradleFor every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.Named after the famous scientist Sir Isaac Newton this executive toyperfectly demonstrates conservation of energy and momentum. Each ball isattached to opposite sides of the frame by equal-length strings....
$39.99 $33.00
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Funtime: Pinart
Funtime: PinartThe classic 80's desktop toy turns anything into 3D art! Make an impressionwith this classic executive toy.Lift the device to your face – or another appropriate part of your anatomyand gently press down on the thousands of metal pins...
$42.99 $36.00
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Funtime: Potato Clock
Funtime: Potato ClockGenerate electricity using only the power of nature. Use various foods anddrinks around the house to power the digital clock. It’s not just potatoesthat make unusual batteries – try tomatoes or lemons or even afizzy drink.Box Contents: Digital...
$20.00 $17.00
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Funtime: Space Projector Torch
Funtime: Space Projector TorchTell and project a space story onto your bedroom walls.Twenty four unique space images to show and tell!Features: 3 discs each with 8 unique projector images Rotate lens to focus and for definition Made from high-quality ABS...
$19.99 $16.00
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Funtime - Springy Thing
Funtime – Springy ThingSuperb metal version of this timeless 1930’s spring toy in fabulouspackaging. Just like the original, this Metal Springy will walk down stairs orslopes. Stretches and then snaps back to shape. Endless addictive fiddlingentertainment.Features: Timeless 1930’s spring toy...
$16.99 $14.00
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Funtime: Worlds Largest Whoopee Cushion
Funtime: Worlds Largest Whoopee CushionBigger, louder and even longer farts than before!All of the fun of the real thing but without the smell! At over 12”Possibly the world’s largest noise maker. Bigger, louder and even longertrumps than before!Features: Possibly the...
$22.99 $19.00
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Funtime: Thumb Wars
Funtime: Thumb WarsGo one-on-one to claim the thumb wrestling championship title! Each colourbox contains a thumb wrestling ring and 4 thumb masks.Features: Claim the thumb wrestling championship title Contents: thumb wrestling ring and 4 thumb masks Qty: 12 pcs Ctn:...
$17.00 $14.00
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Micro Bricks - Arcade Game
Micro Bricks. A pocket-sized arcade machine containing 26 classicarcade games you can play and take anywhere.there are a total of 25,000 gaming levels across 26 games and 99 levelsand 10 difficulty settings. There are 18 variations of the famous blockbuilding,...
$17.00 $14.00
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Speed Cube
Blistering quick amazingly slick high-speed puzzle cubes.Each pack contains two cubes. Challenge your friends to a race or raceagainst the clock. The latest technology allows for faster spinning and highlybalanced corner turning without the tiles popping off. Two cubes packed...
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