Australian Geographic: Create Your Own Wooden Koala and Joey

Australian Geographic

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$10.00 $11.99 Save 17%


Did you know that Joey kangaroos are about the length of a paper clipwhen they're born? Get to know Australia's bou­nciest marsupial!

Set includes everything you need to know to build and design your own woodenmodel, plus a double-sided bonus information card with fun, easy-to-understandfacts that inform, inspire, and make learning fun! This fun and engaging set haseverything you need to build your own model, with a wooden shape that slots ontoa sturdy wooden base. Bring your model to life with 6 paints and 2 brushes tochoose from, then turn the shapes over to create colourful indigenous-inspireddot art with stickers. Don't forget to add joggle eyes too, for a finishingtouch! When you are done use the inside of the box to place your creatures in afun Australian scene, then link your model to others in the range.

Suitable for ages 3 & up

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Australian Geographic: Create Your Own Wooden Koala and Joey

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