UGears: Fire Truck (537pc)

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$153.00 $255.99 Save 40%


The Fire Truck is a self-propelled wooden model from the new UGEARS Truckscollection. Intelligent design mixed with smart engineering inside. The FireTruck functions like a real Rescue & Fire Truck with turning foot, movingapart & ascending ladder, which transforms into real crane with hook. TheUGEARS Fire Truck is equipped with the retractable 3-Section Fire Ladder on arotating platform. Length when fully extended – 70cm. The Fire Ladder hasseveral controls. Press the lever and lift up the ladder. Turn the platform tothe right or to the left. Fix the selected position with a special ratchet. Allthree sections of the ladder are extending ahead. Ascend the ladder and you'llget a real crane with hook at its end.
There is even a little ladder to help Firemen to climb on the truck in fewseconds. Like in a real Fire Truck it is mounted on back.

Based on UGM-11 Truck, the Fire Truck is equipped with a four-cylinderrubber band engine and moves on its own forward in the ""drive"" mode and backon ""reverse"" transmission mode. Start the engine in ‘idle mode’ and lookat four pistons which move realistically under the folding hood.

Made from sustainable wooden materials the kit has all you need for assembly:a set of high-quality plywood boards with precisely cut-out parts, detailed stepby step instructions and several spare parts inside.

The cutting is well done, each of the parts comes out of the plywood sheetseasily. No glue and special tools are needed for putting the model together. Youcan assemble it at home on the table. Fits together like a puzzle without glueor special tools thanks to UGEARS' patented plywood joints.

*Assemble without glue like all UGEARS models by step-be-step, truly easy tofollow, colour instruction manual. Pre-cut parts are easily pressed out from theboard.
*Size Model: 345200125 ** ( inch)
*Package size: 37217057 ** ( inch)
*Number of components: 537
*Estimated time of assembly: 14–16 hours
*Level: Advanced

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Product Details
Product Code: 31101652
Barcode: 4820184120310
Publisher/Brand: UGears
Categories: Adults , All, Best Selling Toys, Board Games , Boost All, High End Toys, Puzzles, Teens , Toys On Sale
UGears: Fire Truck (537pc)

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