Schleich - Aardvark
Schleich – AardvarkIt’s not easy to spot the cute Aardvark in the African savannah.It’s nocturnal and disappears into its underground burrow at dawn. When itsenses danger, it quickly buries itself in the ground. So it’s safest in yourpocket!The Aardvark is...
$5.99 $5.00
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Schleich - Abyssinian Cat
Schleich – Abyssinian CatWith its oversized ears and light brown coat, the Abyssinian cat looks like aminiature cougar. Unlike the puma, however, the Abyssinian cat is quite sweetand gets along well with other pets. It loves to roam outside and...
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Schleich: African Buffalo
The mighty Cape Buffalo raises its head and sniffsthe air.With its black muzzle, it can sniff out exactly whether strangers areapproaching the herd. The buffalo finds it hard to decide: can they keep ongrazing or is an enemy closing in?...
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Schleich: African Elephant Calf
At birth, a baby elephant falls from a height of around7 centimetres. But this doesn't harm it.Baby elephants are still quite clumsy after their birth and must first learnhow to handle their trunks. They are still not able to feed...
$8.99 $8.00
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Schleich - Alpaca Set
The Alpaca Set from Schleich® WILD LIFE includes one adult animaland two young.The animals in the Alpaca Set from Schleich® WILD LIFE come from the SouthAmerican Andes, where they are bred for their soft, warm wool. They arehump-less camels with...
$38.99 $33.00
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Schleich: Andalusian Mare
The Andalusian is known for the elegant curve ofits neck.In the 15th century, monks began to breed the Andalusians in the south ofSpain. With its graceful appearance, it enchanted especially nobles and kings.Therefore, only a few would guess that the...
$15.99 $13.00
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Schleich: Angora Goat
Don't be deceived by the appearance of the Angora Goat.With its silky coat and small snout, it looks really cute. But this is onestubborn goat if it doesn't get exactly what it wants. Temperamentally, itsticks its short legs firmly into...
$11.99 $10.00
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Schleich: Arabian Foal
Something's going on back there! The little Arabian Foal certainlydoesn't want to miss it!Although it comes from the most noble breeding stock, the little thoroughbreddoesn't have the slightest desire to behave like nobility. On the contrary, theArabian Foal is extremely...
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Schleich: Arabian Mare
The beautiful Arabian Mare sets her delicate hooves down gracefullyand looks over the pasture with an alert gaze.A thick strand of yellowish-white mane falls over her forehead. It looksgreat! I wonder if she knows how beautiful she is. Only the...
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Schleich: Arabian Stallion
When the black Arabian Stallion stands next to the snow white ArabianMare (sold separately), the two make a stunning pair.But the beautiful thoroughbred also cuts a great figure on his own. With hislong, graceful legs and slender neck, he looks...
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Schleich: Armadillo
The Armadillo is unmistakable and certainly has a verydescriptive name.Its thick scaly armor is composed of several belts that run around its entirebody. It looks kinda cute. Especially when it runs nimbly across the desert onits short legs. It has...
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Schleich - Axolotl Discovery Set
Schleich – Axolotl Discovery SetWith the transparent fin on their backs, the three friendly Axolotl fromMeamare just look great! Like little water dragons, they watch curiously to seewhat’s going on around them.Features: Realistically detailed for imaginative play and educational purposes!...
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Schleich - Baby Hippopotamus
*The hippopotamus family has new members with the hippopotamus calves fromSchleich® Wild Life!**Hippos are large, heavy herbivores that live near rivers and lakes in Africa.Calves are often born in the water and can even be suckled underwater. At birththe hippopotamus...
$11.99 $10.00
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Schleich - Baryonyx
When the baryonyx from Schleich® Dinosaurs opens its movable jaw youcan see a flash of its dangerous, saw-like teethThe long, narrow and flat head of the baryonyx from Schleich® Dinosaurs issimilar to that of a crocodile, making it an especially...
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Schleich - Battle Rhino
Schleich – Battle RhinoYou can tell right away that the Battle Rhino is from the Stone World. Itsbody armor looks like it's made of hard rock. Isn't that even a bit of mossgrowing on its broad back? Moving its head...
$43.99 $37.00
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Schleich - Beauty Horse Andalusian Mare
Schleich – Beauty Horse Andalusian MareIntroducing the Beauty Horse Andalusian Mare from our newest lineup,Schleich® Horse Club Sofia's Beauties. This gorgeous Andalusian loves to visitthe horse salon…you can groom her lustrous locks with the finger brush, thenmake her feel beautiful...
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Schleich: Beauty Horses - Rainbow Hair Extension
**There are no bad hair days with the Beauty Horses from schleich!They all have beautiful shiny manes and thick tails. And the best part: bothcan be swapped out. There are so many different hair colors to choose from.It's not easy...
$18.99 $16.00
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Schleich - Bengal Cat
The Bengal Cat from Schleich® FARM WORLD has a uniquely exotic coatpattern with two-colored spots.The Bengal Cat from Schleich® FARM WORLD looks like a mini leopard. But thecoat is not the only unusual thing about this cat; it also has...
$6.99 $5.00
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Schleich: Bernese Mountain Dog Female
Bernese mountain dogs are good-natured, large, black and brown dogs with awhite flash on their chests.Global Home: WorldwideThe Bernese mountain dog, originating from the Alps region, is a gain forevery family. These dogs enjoy human company and want to be...
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Schleich - Black Angus bull
Angus cattle are beautiful and strong black cattle with somewhatshorter legsAngus cattle are beautiful and strong black cattle with somewhat shorterlegs. Usually the animals do not have horns – they have been bred out so thatthe cattle do not injure...
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Schleich : Black Bull
The Schleich figures are modelled with attention to detail, hand-painted withcare, and provide educationally valuable playtime. Bulls have been the symbol ofSpain for centuries. They can weigh well over 1,000 kg and are extremelystrong. Before a bull attacks, it displays...
$24.99 $21.00
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Schleich - Black Forest Stallion
The Black Forest Stallion from the Schleich® Farm World is amagnificent chestnut colour with light mane and tailThe Black Forest Stallion from the Schleich® Farm World has a very dynamicpose. It shows how powerful and vigorous the Black Forest cold...
$24.99 $18.00
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Schleich - Blanket & halter Horse Club Hannah & Cayenne
Hannah has a gorgeous new blanket and halter for her Quarter HorseCayenne.Hannah has a gorgeous new blanket and halter for her Quarter Horse Cayenne.She is delighted with them, because red and blue are her favourite colours.Cayenne seems happy too. The...
$10.99 $9.00
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Schleich - Blue Poison Dart Frog
Schleich – Blue Poison Dart FrogThe Blue Poison Dart Frog is actually at home in the tropical rainforest innorthern South America and lives in the flowers of bromeliads. With its gorgeouscoloring it also looks very fetching on your hand!The bright...
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Schleich: Bonobo Female
The female Bonobo looks very much like a Chimpanzee.No wonder: both come from the same ape family. But experts can recognizebonobos immediately by their light lips and distinctive middle parting.A pretty cool hairstyle for the female Bonobo, don't you think?Features:...
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Schleich: Brachiosaurus
Brachiosaurus translated means “arm lizard”.Brachiosaurus translated means “arm lizard”. It acquired the name becauseits front legs were significantly longer than its hind legs. As such, its longneck pointed automatically upwards and it could eat taller plants with lesseffort.Features: Hand Painted...
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Schleich: Braunvieh Cow
Braunvieh cows are a domestic cattle breed that originated inSwitzerland.Braunvieh cows are a domestic cattle breed that originated in Switzerland.They have been reared in the Alpine region for many centuries. Braunvieh cattlenormally have single-coloured brown or grey coats, beautifully intermingled...
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Schleich - Brainy Smurfway
Schleich – Brainy SmurfwayWhoo-hoo! Fast, faster – that's Speedy Smurf from schleich® THESMURFS™. With his scooter, the blue speed-nut will be with you within seconds.1, 2, 3 – and he's there. The perfect gift for your birthday.Features: Hand Painted &...
$10.99 $9.00
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Schleich: British Shorthair Cat
This British Shorthair Cat looks very striking because it has almostbluish-looking fur.The hair is short, as its name suggests, but its fur is very dense andfluffy. Just ideal for curling up in the lap of your loved one and be...
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Schleich - Camarillo Mare
Schleich – Camarillo MareSnow-white coat, white hooves and light pink nostrils – the Camarillo mareis a true beauty. No wonder she loves to be shown off at parades. Her immaculatecoat is a true rarity. That is because all pure white...
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Schleich - Camping Accessories
With the Schleich Horse Club camping accessories, a trip into nature becomesa terrific experience for the Horse Club friends. The roomy tent can be set upin no time, and the comfy sleeping bag is rolled out with great anticipation.The cute...
$28.99 $21.00
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Schleich - Brontosaurus
The Brontosaurus from Schleich® DINOSAURS is one of the mostwell-known herbivorous dinosaurs from the Late Jurassic period.The Brontosaurus from Schleich® DINOSAURS has a long tail, an enormous bodyand a narrow neck. The dinosaur grew to around 15 tons and 22...
$53.99 $45.00
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Schleich - Caracal Female
Schleich – Caracal FemaleThe pretty female Caracal stalks through the steppe on her long legs. She isprobably looking for food for herself and her young. She tracks down her preyquickly, because she can hear the slightest rustle in the bushes....
$10.99 $9.00
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Schleich: Carnotaurus
The Carnotaurus was a typical carnivorous dinosaur. It walked onpowerful hind legs and had a mouth full of sharp, long teeth.The Carnotaurus is a meat-eating predator from the Late Cretaceous. It livedabout 70 million years ago. The only skeleton ever...
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Schleich - Ceratosaurus
The Ceratosaurus from Schleich® DINOSAURS has three prominent bumpson its head. Blade-shaped teeth line its movable jaw.The Ceratosaurus from Schleich® DINOSAURS was a carnivorous dinosaur thatlived around 150 million years ago in the Late Jurassic period. Two bumps atthe eyes...
$33.99 $25.00
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Schleich - Chameleon
Schleich – ChameleonJust like a chameleon in the wild, the schleich® chameleon can change color:Greenish-turquoise for casual Fridays, reddish-brown for formal attire. Specialtemperature-activated paint gives the schleich® chameleon toy its uniquecolor-changing abilities, so don't be suprised to find it lounging...
$11.99 $10.00
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Schleich - Cheetah Baby
Schleich – Cheetah BabyThe sassy cheetah baby looks so cute with its beady little eyes and blacksnub nose. At birth it weighs only 300 grams, but by now it’s already hadsome time to grow. You can tell right away that...
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Schleich: Cheetah Female
Cheetahs are perfectly adapted to the savannah. They only need todrink water every three to four days.Cheetahs are excellent hunters. First of all, they approach their prey verycarefully until they are within a few metres, then when the time is...
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Schleich: Clydesdale Foal
Clydesdale foals are already almost a metre tallat birth.Clydesdales grow more slowly than other horse breeds. The foals aren’tfully grown until the age of seven or eight, instead of four or five. They thenweigh over 1,000 kg – as much...
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Schleich: Concavenator
At an impressive six meters in length, the Concavenator is animposing figure.The lizard's skin shines grass-green and yellow. On its back it has anelongated hump, which stands out from the rest of the body in red. With itsstriking appearance, it...
$28.99 $24.00
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Schleich - Corral Fence
The corral fence can be assembled and dismantled quickly and in anyposition.The corral fence can be assembled and dismantled quickly and in any position.In this way, the farm animals can always graze where there are fresh plants andherbs. Of course,...
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Schleich - Cowgirl Barrel Racing Fun
Schleich – Cowgirl Barrel Racing FunBarrel racing is the exhilarating rodeo sport that puts the wind in yourhair…let's ride! The Cowgirl Barrel Racing Fun playset puts you in the saddlewith a toy Appaloosa Stallion, a cowgirl figurine, 3 barrels, plus...
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Schleich: Crocodile
Crocodiles are the largest reptiles in the world and the closestliving relatives of birds (!), with whom they share a lineage from thearchosaurs.Fun Fact: The saltwater crocodile is the world's largest crocodile.The saltwater crocodile is the most dangerous of all...
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Schleich - Dimwitty Smurf
Schleich – Dimwitty SmurfWhat did you say? Dimwitty Smurf must have misunderstood something again! Heneeds a little longer and very clear instructions for everything he does.It's not that he's stupid, he just needs an extra minute to figure things out.Who...
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Schleich: Donkey
Donkeys are frugal, balanced, and sure-footed. They do not run often,but with their little hooves, they can run up to 50 km / h fast.Fun Fact: Donkeys aren't always grey. They can also be brown, white,or black.The domestic donkey comes...
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Schleich - Dromedary Camel
The dromedary from Schleich® Wild Life has, like in nature, just onehump. It is also known as a one-humped camelDromedaries live in the deserts of Africa and Asia. They eat mostly leaves,dry grass, and thorny plants. The hump of the...
$13.99 $11.00
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Schleich - Elementa Fire Unicorn Stallion
Schleich – Elementa Fire Unicorn StallionAn orange-tinged coat as warm as the rising sun. A mane like wind-sweptflames. Fire-flecked fetlocks to match a blazing spirit. The Elementa FireUnicorn Stallion is a white-hot addition to the schleich® unicorn toycollection.In a fast...
$41.99 $35.00
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Schleich - Emperor Penguin
The Emperor Penguin from Schleich® WILD LIFE has yellow spots on itsears and black and white plumage that looks like a tuxedo.The Emperor Penguin from Schleich® WILD LIFE is the largest and heaviestpenguin species. It is also unique for living...
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Schleich: English Thoroughbred Mare
All English Thoroughbreds can be traced back to three Arab stallionsborn between 1680 and 1724.All English Thoroughbreds can be traced back to three Arab stallions bornbetween 1680 and 1724. Other breeds are often crossed with EnglishThoroughbreds to make them more...
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Schleich - Fairy Café Blossom
Schleich’s Fairy Cafe Blossom is a fun way to play pretend in the magicalland of Bayala. Ride your majestic foal into town and sit down and have a cup oftea and a slice of cake with your fairy friends. This...
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