National Geographic: T-Rex Skeleton Dig Kit
National Geographic: T-Rex Skeleton Dig KitExcavate and assemble a detailed T-Rex skeleton model from the dig siteFeatures: Includes excavation tools and a learning guide for an immersiveexperience High-quality materials ensure a realistic and durable skeleton model Engages children in hands-on...
$29.99 $25.00
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National Geographic: Volcano Science Kit
Volcanos + Eruptions = Awesome Science Fun!Create an eruption with National Geographic’s ex­citing Volcano ScienceKit. Your child will get to cast their own volcano (plaster and mold included),paint it (paint and brush provided), and then make it erupt (includes eruptionpowder)!...
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Newton's Cradle - Medium
Newton's Cradle with wooden base and chrome frame and balls.Looks great on any desk in the home or the office. Size: Medium Dimensions Item: (HxWxD) 145×135×120mm. Weight: 435g. Suitable for Ages 12+
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Planet Explore: Earth Dig Kit
Planet Explore: Earth Dig KitChip, dig and brush away at the model of planet earth to reveal the hiddengems inside. A fun excavation kit with lots of opportunity to learn and discussthe different continents and seas. See if you can...
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Planet Explore: Mars Dig Kit
Planet Explore: Mars Dig KitChip, dig and brush away at the model of planet Mars to reveal the hiddengems inside. A fun excavation kit with lots of opportunity to learn and discussinteresting facts about Mars.According to NASA, Mars – the...
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Planet Explore: Neptune Dig Kit
Planet Explore: Neptune Dig KitChip, dig and brush away at the model of planet Neptune to reveal the hiddengems inside. A fun excavation kit with lots of opportunity to learn and discussinteresting facts about Neptune.According to NASA, Neptune is the...
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Planet Explore: Uranus Dig Kit
Planet Explore: Uranus Dig KitChip, dig and brush away at the model of planet Uranus to reveal the hiddengems inside. A fun excavation kit with lots of opportunity to learn and discussinteresting facts about Uranus.According to NASA, Uranus is the...
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Rex London: Anatomical Skeleton - Educational Model
Rex London: Anatomical Skeleton – Educational ModelInspire your kids to continue their biological studies with this 16-pieceanatomical skeleton model. The enclosed sheet, designed to make learning fun,contains educational and colourful information about the human anatomy.Features: The model measures 30 cm...
$24.99 $21.00
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Science Lab: Anti Gravity Fountain
Science Lab: Anti Gravity FountainThe Science Lab Anti-Gravity Fountain is here to show children just how muchfun the world of science can be.They can conduct many different experiments withreal scientific equipment as they learn all about the fascinating world ofGravity...
$14.99 $12.00
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Science Lab: DNA Extraction Kit
Science Lab: DNA Extraction KitThe DNA Extraction Kit from Science Lab is one of the most fun and awesomescience kits ever created. With this set, junior scientists can learn all aboutthe wonders of DNA and have a better understanding of...
$14.99 $12.00
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Science & Play: Scorpion Bot
Science & Play: Scorpion BotThe Mecha Scorpion Robot mimics the movement and appearance of a realscorpion. With 6 legs driven by two motors, pincers and tail that can move, andan infrared sensor on its head that allows it to react...
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Sea Monkeys: Ocean Zoo Pack - (Assorted Colours)
After many years, the original Sea Monkeys are back!Begin a new amazing hobby with the Sea-Monkeys: Ocean Zoo pack! It includeseverything you need to get started. It’s quick and easy! The handbook willtell you everything you need to know about...
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The Amazing Balancing Pteranodon
Your friends will be amazed when you simply balance this pocket-moneyPteranodon on the tip of your finger.It looks so impossible they will think it is a magic trick! The AmazingBalancing Pteranodon appears to defy gravity but is actually very easy...
$12.99 $11.00
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The Puzzle and Games: Newton's Cradle - Large
Newton's Cradle with wooden base and chrome frame and balls.Looks great on any desk in the home or the office. Size: Large Dimensions Item: (HxWxD) 180×180×120mm. Weight: 765g.
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ThinkFun: Free Fall
Put your spatial reasoning and dexterity to the test as you build andflip your way through 60 challenges.First, arrange the cups around the frame to build a maze. Then, drop the balland carefully flip and turn the maze to get...
$99.99 $84.00
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Tiger Tribe: Bubble-ology - Soapy Science
** Create DIY bubble wands, produce a bubble so big you can fit inside it andmore.**Soapy Science is an engaging, interactive STEAM activity set for kids. Thisbeautifully illustrated and content-packed kit has everything junior scientistsneed to become a certified Bubble-ologist.Features:...
$32.00 $27.00
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Tiger Tribe: Dinosaur - Magna Carry
Tiger Tribe: Dinosaur – Magna CarryDino World takes you back in time and on a big adventure through the jurassicworld. Ride the waterfall, explore the erupting volcano, take care of a Dinoegg! Loads of prehistoric characters to play with including...
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Tiger Tribe: Light and Shine Optics
Tiger Tribe: Light and Shine OpticsLight and Shine is a unique set designed to encourage open-ended play,trial-and-error exploration and teach problem-solving. All experiments areintended to help kids apply STEAM principals to the world around them, makingmaths and science fun and...
$34.99 $29.00
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Tiger Tribe: Space Explorer - Magna Carry
Tiger Tribe: Space Explorer – Magna CarryBlast your little astronaut out into the solar system with a fantasticallyillustrated fold out, magnetic play scene. Fly rockets and shuttles of allshapes and sizes, plant your flag on the moon or go on...
$34.99 $29.00
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This innovative handheld magnetic spining toy doubles as a spinning top andlets you do tons of tricks. Whirl it! Flip it! Spin it with no strings attached!Explore the fundamentals of science while having fun!Gravity…Magne­tism….Centripe­dal force….. and more!Suitable for ages 5...
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YCOO: Octobot
Introducing Octobot!A programmable remote control robot with 360° rotation and dynamic LEDface. Enjoy customized movements or captivating light and music show (3 dancemodes included). Octobot is a 22cm programmable octopus with directlycontrollable movements that can be programmed in 15 steps....
$49.99 $42.00
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Showing: 201 - 221 of 221

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