Snake Oil (Party Game)

The Silly Selling Party Game!

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In the Old West, the wily snake oil salesman had a special talent, gettingthe most skeptical customers to buy the most dubious products. Now it's yourturn! Invent your own zany two-word products – Rumor Mirror! BurpBalloon! – and sell them to all types of wacky customers. If theround's customer buys your product, you win!

To set up Snake Oil, each player takes six purple word cards. The customerfor the round draws a customer card and announces it. Inventors quickly combinetwo purple word cards from their hand to form a crazy new product to sell tothat customer. When ready, each inventor quickly pitches his or her productdirectly to the customer. The customer can end any pitch that goes longer thanthirty seconds. The customer decides which product to buy and gives the inventorof that product the round's customer card as the prize. Inventors discard allused word cards and take two new word cards each. The player to the left of thecustomer becomes the next round's customer. Play repeats until each player hasbeen the customer once.

Whoever collects the most customer cards wins.

The Dice Tower Seal of Approval is a trademark of The Dice Tower, LLCand is used with permission.

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