Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza: On the Flip Side

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Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza is back with new characters and new rules!

As in Snap and Dobble, each player places a card from their hand face up intoa community pile while saying taco/cat/goat/che­ese/pizza in player sequence.When the card matches the mantra — boom! — everyone slaps their hand onthe deck, with the last one to slap picking up the cards. Whoever ridsthemselves of cards first wins!

The entire deck is split between 2–8 players, who then place theirindividual stack of cards face-down in front of them. Each person takes a turnflipping a card face-up on a pile in the middle while saying the words“Taco,” “Cat,” “Goat,” “Cheese,” “Pizza” — in that order.If the card in the middle matches the word being spoken, the players race toslap their hands down on top of all the cards. Whoever is last must add theentire stack to their own set of cards. The winner is the person who gets rid ofall their cards first.

For extra fun, special action cards force players to make certain gesturesbefore racing to slap the deck!

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