CollectA: Box of Mini Wild Animals - Series 1
A Natural World in MiniatureWorking with experts from across the globe, CollectA hand-painted figurinesare all factually accurate and palaeontologist-approved, so little ones get tolearn while they play. All CollectA products are individually hand crafted withonly the finest materials and rigorously...
CollectA: Box of Mini Wild Animals - Series 3
CollectA: Box of Mini Wild Animals – Series 3Working with experts from across the globe, CollectA hand-painted figurinesare all factually accurate and palaeontologist-approved, so little ones get tolearn while they play. All CollectA products are individually hand crafted withonly the...
CollectA: Boxer
CollectA: BoxerThe modern Boxer was developed in Germany during the 19th century. Boxers areknown for their characteristic “boxing” with their front paws while standingon their hind legs. They have a strong, and athletic body with short hair and abroad skull....
CollectA: Common Otter
CollectA: Common OtterCollectA’s Common Otter is a great model of the impressive swimmingmammal. It is sculpted sitting on its hind legs, and resting on its front legswith its long, strong tail curled in towards its body. It is paintedpredominantly brown,...
CollectA: Donkey
CollectA: DonkeyDonkeys closely resemble horses and zebras, but their specific physicalcharacteristics set them apart from their close relatives. Donkeys tend to besmaller than most horses. Also, donkey ears are typically much longer than thoseof horses. Donkey manes are stiff and...
CollectA: Emperor Penguin
CollectA: Emperor PenguinThe CollectA Emperor Penguin 2022 is beautifully modelled in a standingposition with its flippers slightly extended as though it is waddling, ready foran arctic adventure. It's back, head, feet and wings are painted black, whileits front showcases a...
CollectA: Emperor Penguin Chicks
CollectA: Emperor Penguin ChicksThe CollectA Emperor Penguin Chicks is a sweet model of two fluffy babypenguins standing arm in arm. Each of the chicks have their outer flipperextended as they use each other’s body temperature to keep warm and use...
CollectA: Farm Life Boxed (Set of 8)
CollectA: Farm Life Boxed (Set of 8)Individually hand crafted to the highest standards and made with only thefinest and safest materials. Hand painted and highly detailed. Designed byexperts, CollectA models are factually accurate and true to life. Manufacturedfrom a high...
CollectA: Farm Life Boxed (Set of 9)
CollectA: Farm Life Boxed (Set of 9)Each of the nine figures is hand painted with amazing accuracy and eye fordetail. Bring the playset to life by using the decorated cardboard box as adiorama with pop out stables and country life...
CollectA: Furcatoceratops
CollectA: FurcatoceratopsFurcatoceratops (Fur-kat-toe-sera-tops) – A four-metre-long LateCretaceous horned dinosaur from the Judith River Formation of Montana (USA). Itslarge brow horns curved sharply downwards, and it was scientifically describedin 2023. It is known from a remarkably complete but disarticulated skeletonwhich represents...
CollectA: Giant Short-Faced Bear
CollectA: Giant Short-Faced BearGiant short-faced bear (Arctodus simus) – (Ark-toe-dus sym-mus) – Anenormous prehistoric bear and one of the largest terrestrial carnivorous mammalsknown to science. Arctodus simus fossils have been found throughout NorthAmerica. The CollectA model represents a male, when...
CollectA: Green Tree Python
CollectA: Green Tree PythonThe CollectA Green Tree Python model is sculpted in an attacking pose,striking at its prey, likely trying to ward them off, as pythons typicallystrangle their victims. Its head is raised, with its mouth open and lookingalert, while...
CollectA: Horse Life Boxed (Set of 5)
CollectA: Horse Life Boxed (Set of 5)Light Brown Appaloosa Stallion (13.5 × 10.5cm). Use the decoratedcardboard interior of the box to make a pop-out stable to complete the set! Boxpackaging measures: 33×30×7cm approx. CollectA is one of theworld’s largest manufacturers...
CollectA: Igentia Prima
**CollectA: Igentia Prima **Ingentia prima (In-gen-tea-ah pre-ma) – One of the first, really bigdinosaurs to evolve. This herbivorous dinosaur roamed northwestern Argentina inthe Late Triassic. Measuring around 10 metres in length and estimated to haveweighed 10 tonnes Ingentia demonstrates that...
CollectA: Insects Boxed (Set of 5)
CollectA: Insects Boxed (Set of 5)CollectA is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of toy animalreplicas. The CollectA's mission is to build “a natural world in miniature"for collectors of any age. Designed by experts, CollectA models are factuallyaccurate and true...
CollectA: Insects Boxed (Set of 7)
CollectA: Insects Boxed (Set of 7)CollectA is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of toy animalreplicas. The CollectA's mission is to build “a natural world in miniature"for collectors of any age. Designed by experts, CollectA models are factuallyaccurate and true...
CollectA: Mountain Gorilla Figurine
CollectA: Mountain Gorilla FigurineThe Mountain Gorilla belongs to the family of the great apes. The fur of themountain gorilla is longer and thicker than that of other gorilla types. Itenables them to live in colder climate. The fur colour is...
CollectA: Prehistoric Life Boxed (Set of 5)
CollectA: Prehistoric Life Boxed (Set of 5)Box packaging measures: 33×30×9cm. CollectA is one of theworld’s largest manufacturers of toy animal replicas. The CollectA's missionis to build “a natural world in miniature" for collectors of any age. Designedby experts, CollectA models...
CollectA: Prehistoric World Wonders Boxed Set - Spinosaurus & Stegosaurus
CollectA: Prehistoric World Wonders Boxed Set – Spinosaurus &StegosaurusStegosaurus measures approx. 16cm long x 8cm high, and Spinosaurus approx.20cm long x 8cm high. Also includes a replica tail spike for stegosaurus and areplica tooth for Spinosaurus, each approx. 5cm long.CollectA...
CollectA: Sea Life Boxed (Set of 5)
CollectA: Sea Life Boxed (Set of 5)CollectA is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of toy animalreplicas. The CollectA's mission is to build “a natural world in miniature"for collectors of any age. Designed by experts, CollectA models are factuallyaccurate and...
CollectA: Texas Longhorn Bull
CollectA: Texas Longhorn BullThe CollectA Texas Longhorn Bull is replacing the previous model. CollectAre-worked the figure completely. The most obvious changes are the shape of thenew horns that stretch in a smooth curve outwards rather than pointing upwards.The whole body...
CollectA: Wild Life Boxed (Set of 5)
CollectA: Wild Life Boxed (Set of 5)Box packaging measures: 33×30×9cm approx. CollectA is one of theworld’s largest manufacturers of toy animal replicas. The CollectA's missionis to build “a natural world in miniature" for collectors of any age. Designedby experts, CollectA...
CollectA: Wild Life Boxed (Set of 8)
CollectA: Wild Life Boxed (Set of 8)CollectA is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of toy animalreplicas. The CollectA's mission is to build “a natural world in miniature"for collectors of any age. Designed by experts, CollectA models are factuallyaccurate and...
CollectA: Woodland Boxed (Set of 9)
CollectA: Woodland Boxed (Set of 9)CollectA is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of toy animalreplicas. The CollectA's mission is to build “a natural world in miniature"for collectors of any age. Designed by experts, CollectA models are factuallyaccurate and true...