Aerobie 10" Sprint Ring - Assorted Designs
The Aerobie Sprint flying ring, a compact version of the world's farthestthrown object, flies twice as far a regular disc for awesome gamesof catch.Compact and lightweight, the Aerobie Sprint ring flies twice as far asconventional flying discs for awesome games...
Aerobie 13" Pro Ring - Assorted Designs
For exhilarating games of catch, nothing compares with the Aerobie Pro flyingring, used in setting a Guinness World Record for the farthest throw – itflew an amazing 1,333 feet / 406 meters.For truly exhilarating games of catch, the Pro ring...
Aerobie Orbiter Boomerang - Assorted Designs
A high performance outdoor boomerang, the Aerobie Orbiter flies out about90 feet and then it really does come back. The Orbiter boomerang combines ahigh tech, triangular design with a bright colored, soft rubber edge. Thesefeatures make it easy to throw...
Aerobie Pro Lite
PORTABLE. FUN. ADDICTIVE.Directional ridges reducing drag to keep it spinning longer. Gyroscopicdesign for further and easier flight.Features:
QR Code directing to website or instructional video
For right-handed throwers, throw with QR code facing up
Smallest flying Aerobiedisc ever!
Aerobie Sonic Bounce (Assorted Colours)
Send your trick shots to new heights with the Sonic Bounce! Engineered withhigh-density foam and a geodesic design, every bounce, rebound, and trick shotis bigger and better than ever before!Small and portable, anyone can bounce, carry, and catch! This meanschallenging...
Aerobie Squidgee Disc (Assorted Colours)
The proprietary aerodynamic design of the Squidgie disc's spoiler rim makesit easy for people of all skill levels to throw accurately, so it's great foreveryone right from the get go. No matter how long you play, the Squidgiedisc's soft, lightweight,...
Aerobie Superdisc - Assorted Designs
Players of all skill levels can throw the Aerobie Superdisc well and enjoyits stable, accurate flights. Its patented spoiler rim and soft rubber edge weredeveloped when inventor Alan Adler set out to design an improved “Frisbee.”Conventional flying discs have their...