Tikiri: Comforter - Dolphin
Tikiri: Comforter – DolphinAn adorable soft organic dolphin blankie that is sure to become yourchild's best friend. This comforting toy features a soft dolphin plush with asoft blanket attached featuring printed ocean buddies.Features: Organically made and OE100 certified. * Suitable...
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Tikiri: Comforter - Octopus
Tikiri: Comforter – OctopusOur Octopus comforter is ready with five wide-open soft edges that love tosnuggle and make comforting cuddles. Part of our Ocean Buddies Collection, thecomforter is soft and soothing while encouraging your little one to learn aboutthe ocean.Features:...
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Tikiri: Comforter - Sea Horse
Tikiri: Comforter – Sea HorseAn adorable soft organic seahorse blankie that is sure to become yourchild's best friend. This comforting toy features a soft seahorse plush with asoft blanket attached featuring printed ocean buddies.Features: Soft fabric pink fabric with printed...
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Tikiri: Comforter - Turtle
Tikiri: Comforter – TurtleAn adorable soft organic turtle blankie that is sure to become yourchild's best friend. This comforting toy features a soft turtle plush with asoft blanket attached featuring printed ocean buddies.Features: Soft fabric with printed underside and wonderfully...
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Tikiri: Comforter - Whale
Tikiri: Comforter – WhaleAn adorable soft organic whale blankie that is sure to become yourchild's best friend. This comforting toy features a soft whale plush with asoft blanket attached featuring printed ocean buddies.Features: Organically made and OE100 certified. Suitable for...
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Tikiri: Comforter with Rubber Head Teether - Lilith the Llama
Tikiri: Comforter with Rubber Head Teether – Liliththe LlamaMeet Lilith an adorable llama. Crafted from natural rubber and featuring ahand-painted face. A sweet companion for little ones providing relief forteething gums.Features: Presented in a beautiful box, this cute little llama...
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Tikiri: Comforter with Rubber Teether - Elephant
Tikiri: Comforter with Rubber Teether –ElephantTikiri's Elephant baby comforter has a 100% organic cotton muslin fabriccomforter blankie and a natural rubber elephant teether head, perfect forteething, ideal for soothing irritated gums.Features: The Elephant baby comforter and teether is constructed from...
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Tikiri: Comforter with Rubber Teether - Giraffe
Tikiri: Comforter with Rubber Teether –GiraffeTikiri's giraffe baby comforter has a soft body which is ideal for cuddles.The giraffe also has a head designed for teething so is ideal for soothingirritated gums.Features: The giraffe baby comforter and teether is constructed...
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Tikiri: GoodNight Soft Fox Squeaker
Tikiri: GoodNight Soft Fox SqueakerGoodNight Fox Mini Squeaker – all soft 16cm 100% cotton filling designedfor those little hands!
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Tikiri: Muslin Comforter with Rubber Leaf Teether - Giraffe
Tikiri: Muslin Comforter with Rubber Leaf Teether –GiraffeAll young children need comfort and comforting, this is especially true whenthey start teething. We have added to our very popular collection of comfortersto include some more of our wonderful safari animals combined...
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Tikiri: Muslin Comforter with Rubber Leaf Teether - Hippo
Tikiri: Muslin Comforter with Rubber LeafTeether – HippoA huggable and soft organic hippo blankie. A delightful organic softcomfort toy that is sure to become your child's best friend. This hippofeatures a soft head, little arms to hold and an all...
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Tikiri: Muslin Comforter with Rubber Leaf Teether - Lion
Tikiri: Muslin Comforter with Rubber LeafTeether – LionA huggable and soft organic lion blankie. A delightful organic soft comforttoy that is sure to become your child's best friend. This lion features a softhead, little arms to hold and an all...
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Tikiri: My 1st Tikiri Ocean Buddies Bath Set - Seahorse/Turtle/Dolphin
Tikiri: My 1st Tikiri Ocean Buddies Bath Set –Seahorse/Turtle/Dol­phinThis lovable collection of ocean buddies is made from organic natural rubberand coloured in soft pastel shades. The set includes a dolphin, sea horse andturtle with each containing an enclosed rattle which...
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Tikiri: My First Farm Teether and Rattle Toy - Cow
Tikiri: My First Farm Teether and RattleToy – CowMade from organic natural rubber, this happy heifer from our My First FarmCollection is easy for tiny hands to grip. And when shaken, it responds with agentle sound that is a comfort...
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Tikiri: My First Farm Teether and Rattle Toy - Pig
Tikiri: My First Farm Teether and RattleToy – PigMade from organic natural rubber, this little piggy from our My First FarmCollection is easy for tiny hands to grip. And when shaken, it responds with agentle sound that is sure to...
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Tikiri: My First Zoo - Crocodile Rattle Toy
Tikiri: My First Zoo – Crocodile Rattle ToyAn adorable all rubber crocodile teether that is great for little hands tograb and squeeze. Features a little bell that rattles inside to delight andentertain little ones.Features: Product is constructed from: Made of...
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Tikiri: Ocean Buddies Teether and Rattle Toy - Sea Horse (Gift Boxed)
Tikiri: Ocean Buddies Teether and Rattle Toy –Sea HorseMade from organic natural rubber, this little Sea Horse from our OceanBuddies Collection is easy for tiny hands to grip. And when shaken, it respondswith a gentle sound that is sure to...
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Tikiri: Ocean Buddies Teether and Rattle Toy - Turtle (Gift Boxed)
Tikiri: Ocean Buddies Teether and RattleToy – TurtleAn adorable ANIMAL teether that is great for little hands to grab andsqueeze.Features: Features a little bell that rattles inside to delight and entertainslittle ones. Suitable for ages: Newborns+. Product is constructed from:...
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Tikiri: Ocean Buddies Teether and Rattle Toy - Whale
Tikiri: Natural Rubber Rattle & Bath Toy – WhaleMade from all-natural rubber, this wild Whale from our Ocean BuddiesCollection is easy for tiny hands to grip. And when shaken, it responds with agentle sound that is sure to comfort your...
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Tikiri: Triceratops with Crinkle
Tikiri: Triceratops with CrinkleCrinkle, crackle, crunch – creating so much fun. Our crinkle toys delivera delightfully sensory experience that keeps babies engaged and entertained,while the triceratops shape and colors add to their experience. Not only doesthis toy help busy parents...
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