Axis & Allies: 1942 - Second Edition

Second Edition

Avalon Hill
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The second edition of Axis & Allies – 1942 features an expanded gameboard (40"x26"), a change to the unit set-up, five new sculpts (UK artillery,submarine & destroyer units; German artillery; a Russian submarine; andantiaircraft artillery), and a few rules changes, e.g., AA-Guns have beenreplaced by AAA Guns, ICs have integrated air defence against strategic bombingraids, and Honolulu is now a victory city.

It's Spring 1942, and the world is at war. Five major powers struggle forsupremacy: Germany and Japan are aligned against the great alliance of theUnited Kingdom, the Soviet Union, and the United States.

Designed for 2–5 players, Axis & Allies – 1942 takes place at thehistorical high-water mark of Axis expansion. Controlling one of the Axis orAllied powers, players command both their country's military forces and itswartime economy, with the chance to plan attacks, marshal forces into embattledterritories, and resolve conflicts. Victory will go to the side that conquersits opponents on the field of battle and liberates or occupies the greatestcities of the world. Change the course of history in a few short hours!

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Product Details
Product Code: 19343147
Barcode: 5010993911240
Publisher/Brand: Avalon Hill
Categories: Adults , All, Best Selling Toys, Board Games , Boost All, High End Toys, Teens , Toys On Sale, War Board Games 

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