
Mini Wasgij? Destiny #13: Time for Tea! (100pc Jigsaw)
Use your imagination as well as your curiosity to find out what's happeningin this puzzle. Only the puzzle holds the answer!
Puzzle size 324×229mm approximately.
Box size: 175×175×40mm.
Made in New Zealand.
Mini Wasgij? Original #11: Feeding the Birds! (100pc Jigsaw)
Use your imagination as well as your curiosity to find out what's happeningin this puzzle. Only the puzzle holds the answer!
Puzzle size 324×229mm approximately.
Box size: 175×175×40mm.
Made in New Zealand.
Mini Wasgij? Mystery #12: Puzzle Time! (100pc Jigsaw)
Use your imagination as well as your curiosity to find out what's happeningin this puzzle. Only the puzzle holds the answer!
Puzzle size 324×229mm approximately.
Box size: 175×175×40mm.
Made in New Zealand.
Retro Wasgij? Destiny #3: Sands of Time! (500pc Jigsaw)
This busy beach scene is history. What will the future have in store for thenext generations of bathers? Will it still be ice creams and bathing suits orwill the sands of time show a different kind of summer vacation when...
Retro Wasgij? Destiny #4: The Wasgij Games! (500pc Jigsaw)
Retro Wasgij: The Wasgij Games! is the title of this brilliantly cleverWasgij Destiny 500 XL piece jigsaw puzzle. The scene finds the Colosseum soldout: fans from across the globe have gathered to witness sporting history in themaking as athletes compete...
Retro Wasgij? Mystery #2: Stop the Clock! (500pc Jigsaw)
“Stop the Clock!” is the title of this hugely entertaining 500 XL pieceWasgij Mystery jigsaw puzzle. An armed robber is holding up the shop andhe’s taking the shop assistant hostage. It seems he'll be able to leave witha full bag...
Retro Wasgij? Mystery #3: Drama at the Opera! (500pc Jigsaw)
It’s a busy afternoon on the high street as the local gals enjoy a spot ofshopping. But something has put a smile on the faces of these gals andit’s not just an eye full of floor dropping trousers… I mean...
Retro Wasgij? Mystery #4: Live Entertainment! (500pc Jigsaw)
Retro Wasgij: Live Entertainment! is the title of this fantastic WasgijMystery 500 XL piece jigsaw puzzle. As the night wears on and the food dishedup to the hungry customers they realise the sign promised ‘LiveEntertainment’ and ask the waitress what...
Retro Wasgij? Original #3: Full Monty Fever! (500pc Jigsaw)
Retro Wasgij? Full Monty Fever! is the title of this hugely entertaining500 XL piece Wasgij Original piece jigsaw puzzle.It’s a busy afternoon on the high street as the local gals enjoy a spot ofshopping. But something has put a smile...
Retro Wasgij? Original #4: A Day to Remember! (500pc Jigsaw)
Retro Wasgij: A Day to Remember! is the title of this hugely entertaining500 XL piece Wasgij Original piece jigsaw puzzle. The ceremony is almostfinished and the photographer wants to capture the happy couple’s joy withall their closet loved ones. As...
Wasgij? Christmas #17: Elf Inspection! (1000pc Jigsaw)
Christmas is just around the corner and the residents of the North Pole arebusy preparing for the most magical night of the year. But when Santa and MrsClaus pay a visit to the elves’ workshop, no one can believe their...
Wasgij Christmas #19: Santa Dash Puzzle (1000pc Jigsaw)
‘Santa Dash!’ is the title of this festive Wasgij Christmas19. Christmas is approaching and the Upper Pigglington town square is bustlingwith shoppers picking up their last-minute gifts and enjoying the festivities.Some of the crowd can’t believe what they are seeing,...
Wasgij Christmas: Spirit of Christmas! - Christmas #20 Puzzle (1000)pc Jigsaw)
Wasgij Original is the ‘what are they looking at?’ puzzle concept whereyou have to use your imagination and the clues provided to piece together whatthe characters in the image printed on the box are looking at.Approximate puzzle size 688×493mm.Manufactured in...
Retro Wasgij? Destiny #1: The Best Days of Our Lives! (500pc Jigsaw)
LIMITED SPECIAL EDITION!! To celebrate the hugely popular Wasgij jigsawpuzzle brand, the very first Wasgij “Destiny” puzzle that was ever produced,has been re-released in a special edition retro range 500-piece jigsaw puzzle.So why not enjoy this puzzle and see where...
Wasgij? Destiny #22: Trip to the Tip! (1000pc Jigsaw)
Don't puzzle what you see… use your imagination and puzzle thefuture!Wasgij Original is the unique brainteaser puzzle concept where you have towork out the cause of the scene in the puzzle box image and discover why thecharacters in the illustration...
Wasgij? Destiny #23: Theme Park Thrills! (1000pc Jigsaw)
For decades families have been drawn to the fun and excitement of amusementparks. ‘Have a Jolly Nice Day Out Land’ is filled with charmingfamily-friendly attractions including vintage carousels, teacups and kittenrides, coconut shies, and a tired-looking mascot posing for pictures.Modern...
Wasgij: Destiny #26 Organic Overload! Puzzle (1000pc Jigsaw)
There’s nothing like the hustle and bustle of a lively street market totickle the taste buds and get mouths watering. So much choice, so many colours,so many deals. But how things are changing. Family favourite recipes are makingway for takeaways...
Wasgij? Destiny #24: Business as Usual! (1000pc Jigsaw)
The high-pressure business world has long revolved around sleek, modernoffices with the latest technology and smartly dressed staff with charts andfigures at their fingertips. That is until 2020 turned working life onits head.The office of today might still rely on...
Wasgij? Destiny #25: Games Night (1000pc Jigsaw)
Gathering the family around the table for a wholesome evening of board games,tea and sandwiches and records on the turntable used to be the highlight of theweek. The television remained off and there wasn’t a single digital screenin sight.Games night...
Wasgij Destiny #27: Café to Latte Puzzle (1000pc Jigsaw)
Wasgij Destiny is the ‘time travelling’ puzzle concept where you have touse your imagination to piece together what the characters and the scene in theimage printed on the box will look like in the future. Approximate puzzle size688×493mm. Manufactured in...
Wasgij Destiny #28: Dad cave! Puzzle (1000pc Jigsaw)
Wasgij Destiny is the ‘time travelling’ puzzle concept where you have touse your imagination to piece together what the characters and the scene in theimage printed on the box will look like in the future.Features: Approximate puzzle size 688×493mm. Manufactured...
Wasgij? Mystery #21: Trouble Brewing! (1000pc Jigsaw)
"Wasgij: ‘Trouble Brewing!’ is the title of this fantastically funnyWasgij Mystery 21, 1000-piece puzzle. A brewery tour is well underway, and theguide is struggling to keep the rowdy bunch focused, especially a hen do thathas had too many free samples!...
Retro Wasgij? Mystery #1: The Wasgij Express! (500pc Jigsaw)
To celebrate the hugely popular Wasgij jigsaw puzzle brand, the very firstWasgij “Mystery” puzzle that was ever produced, has been re-released in aspecial edition retro range 500 XL Piece jigsaw puzzle. All tied up and armedwith only a whistle, how...
Wasgij? Mystery #23: Pooch Parlour! (1000pc Jigsaw)
Sometimes even our four-legged friends need a bit of pampering and at thePooch Parlour, cuddly canines of all shapes and sizes are being preened toperfection. Will the serenity continue, or is one excitable customer about todrive everyone barking mad?Use your...
Wasgij? Mystery #22: Wasgij Winter Games! (1000pc Jigsaw)
It’s the opening ceremony of the Wasgij Winter Games and the eyes of theworld are on the proud athletes as they parade and wave to the crowds, with someeven showcasing their sporting skills along the way. Will this momentousoccasion go...
Wasgij? Mystery #25: Eurosound Concert (1000pc Jigsaw)
Good evening puzzlers, this is Wasgij calling! The incredible EurosoundContest is underway, with musicians from around the globe competing to deliverthe most spectacular performance of the night. Is the current act starting tolose the crowd, or will they have a...
Wasgij? Mystery #24: Blight at the Museum! (1000pc Jigsaw)
These magnificent dinosaurs that once roamed the earth now reside at themuseum, where experts carefully maintain their skeletons and ensure they looktheir fearsome best for visitors. Will the exhibition be a success, or is oneclumsy mistake about to make even...
Wasgij: Mystery #26 - Date Night Puzzle (1000pc Jigsaw)
It's busy, busy in the bistro on Date Night. Couples are celebrating intheir own special way with more waiting at the door. Loved up, hooked up, loggedin, booked up, the place is heaving! Orders are coming thinck and fast as...
Wasgij? Original #33: Calm on the Canal! (1000pc Jigsaw)
Wasgij? Calm on the Canal! Is the brilliantly funny 1,000 piece jigsawpuzzle that illustrates a lovely day on the canal. The image printed on thefront of the box depicts a man cruising down the canal on his boat. Thensuddenly he...
Wasgij? Original #35: Car Boot Capers! (1000pc Jigsaw)
‘Car Boot Capers’ is the title of this hysterically funny Wasgij Original35, 1,000-piece puzzle. It’s prime shopping time for bargain hunters at theLower Frumpington Car Boot Sale with plenty of bobby-dazzling deals to be had.But something has caught the eye...
Wasgij? Original #37: Holiday Fiasco! (1000pc Jigsaw)
A family of tourists has arrived for a holiday filled with sun, sea andsangria, but their magnificent resort isn’t quite how it looked in thebrochures. Granny has spotted something that has left her so shocked she almostdropped her sunscreen, and...
Wasgij? Original #38: Market Meltdown! (1000pc Jigsaw)
In Wasgij? Market Meltdown! the cheese market is busier than ever, withlocals and tourists alike gathering to purchase some local delicacies – eventhe dark clouds can’t dampen their spirits! Luckily for them, the sun hasbroken through the gloom and started...
Wasgij? Original #41: The Restore Store! (1000pc Jigsaw)
Granddad’s old motorbike has seen better days and he hasn’t fared muchbetter either! The experts at The Restore Store have certainly got their workcut out, but what tricks could they possibly have up their sleeve to surprisethe family? Granddad’s family...
Wasgij? Original #42: Rule the Runway! (1000pc Jigsaw)
Strike a pose, it’s time to slay at the world’s fiercest drag contest!The cameras are rolling and the glamorous judges are ready and waiting, but arethey truly prepared for the extravaganza that the queens have in store? Whatcould possibly have...
Wasgij? Original #39: Chinese New Year! (1000pc Jigsaw)
Wasgij Original is the ‘what are they looking at?’ puzzle concept whereyou have to use your imagination and the clues provided to piece together whatthe characters in the image printed on the box are looking at.....Chinese New Year celebrations are...
Wasgij Original #44: Summer Games Puzzle (1000pc Jigsaw)
Wasgij Original is the ‘what are they looking at?’ puzzle concept whereyou have to use your imagination and the clues provided to piece together whatthe characters in the image printed on the box are looking at.Approximate puzzle size 688×493mm.Manufactured in...
Wasgij? Original #43: Aquarium Antics! (1000pc Jigsaw)
Join the crowds experiencing life under the sea at the local aquarium. Withall kinds of weird and wonderful species to see up close, it’s a magicaladventure for both adults and children alike. In the ocean tunnel, Granny andGrandad Wasgij can...
Wasgij Original #45: Moving Day! Puzzle (1000pc Jigsaw)
Dive into the lively and unpredictable world of moving day with the WasgijOriginal 45: Moving Day 1000-piece puzzle.This engaging puzzle turns an everydayscenario into an extraordinary adventure, filled with humor, hidden surprises,and a touch of the unexpected.Tasked with imagining the...
Buy Wasgij jigsaw puzzles at Toy Titans. THE HUGELY POPULAR PUZZLE BRAND! Wasgij is the addictively unique jigsaw puzzle brand where you need to use your imagination to piece together the picture.
Bright, colourful and fun to put together, order your next Wasgij puzzle from Toy Titans and get fast delivery across New Zealand!