Circadians: First Light - 2nd Edition

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We were light years from our home, galaxies away, when we first discoveredthis ancient celestial body — a planet filled with intriguing, intelligentlifeforms, not too unlike our own. Some built kingdoms below the surface of thegreen seas, while others controlled the desert-filled plains and cliffs. Amongthem we found scientists, inventors, farmers, traders and fighters. While ourpresence has been unsettling for some, we have had very few incidents with thelocals. Still, we Circadians, Earth's famed explorers, must do what we can toensure peace. We must respect this world and its hosts. The heads of Moontidepassed down orders from above. We are to open negotiations with the three clans,in hopes of gaining their favor, along with our own security while on theplanet. We must also collect organic samples for the depository on Moontide.This is new ground for all of us, but we must be brave and resourceful. Thefuture of the Circadians depends on it.

The aim of Circadians: First Light is to lead a team of researchers on theplanet of Ryh. Players need to manage their crew (dice) to visit various partsof the planet for trade, farming, construction and research. Players scorepoints for negotiating with the locals, harvesting resources for the depository,upgrading their research base, exploring the planet, and collecting gems. Thegame is played over eight rounds. At the end of the final round, the player withthe most points wins.

The Dice Tower Seal of Excellence is a trademark of The Dice Tower,LLC and is used with permission.

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Product Details
Product Code: 31674144
Barcode: 0810011720213
Publisher/Brand: Garphill Games
Categories: Adults , All, Best Selling Toys, Board Games , Boost All, Intermediate School Age , Strategy Board Games, Teens , Toys On Sale
Circadians: First Light - 2nd Edition

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