Minecraft: Builders & Biomes (Board Game)

A Minecraft Board Game

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As in the original Minecraft digital game, in Minecraft: Builders &Biomes players explore the Overworld, build structures, and mine resources,earning points for structures and the largest connected biomes of forest,desert, mountain, or snowy tundra spaces on their player boards.

Familiar foes like Endermen, Creepers, and other mobs also appear throughoutthe game, and they need to be defeated using weapons collected from the board.Defeating mobs earn players points in addition to granting additional awards.Game scoring occurs as the resource cube's layers are depleted. As soon as thethird layer runs out, the adventure comes to an end, and the builder with themost points wins.

In more detail, on a turn you take two different actions from the followingpossibilities:

Collect two blocks: At the start of the game, you set upa 4×4×4 cube of building blocks with 16 wood, 14 sand, 12 stone,10 obsidian, and 12 emerald being placed together at random. When you collecta block, the top face and at least two other sides must be revealed.

Move: Your character starts in the center of a 4×4 gridof tile stacks, with each stack holding four tiles. Weapon tiles are placed atthe end of each column and row. Move 0–2 spaces between stacks, then revealall adjacent tiles that are face down.

Build: Discard blocks from your personal supply to matchthe building requirements on a tile next to your character. Place this tile onyour personal 3×3 building board.

Fight a mob: Choose a mob adjacent to your character,then reveal three tiles from your weapon stack, which starts with a stone sword,a wooden sword, and three poisonous potatoes. Tally the number of heartsrevealed; if this sum is at least as large as the number of hearts on the mob,you defeat it. Remove it from the board, and place it next to your personalbuilding board. Mobs might grant you an endgame scoring bonus, immediate points,or a one-shot bonus action.

Collect a weapon: If your character is next to a weapontile at the edge of the playing grid, you can shuffle it into yourweapon stack.

Scoring takes place three times during the game, specifically after the finalblock is removed from the first, second, and third level of the building blockcube. In the first round, you choose one of the four biomes (forest, desert,mountains, or snowy tundra) and score for the largest connected area of thisbiome on your personal building board. The board comes pre-printed with biomespaces, and as you place buildings on this board, you can alter the biome of aspace. In the second round, you choose one of three materials (wood, sand,stone, or obsidian) and score for the largest connected group of structures onyour personal building board that are made of this material. In the third round,you score for the largest contiguous group of structures (decoration, dwelling,animal house, or bridge) of your choice on your board. After scoring in thethird round, tally bonus points from the mobs you've collected.

The Dice Tower Seal of Approval is a trademark of The Dice Tower, LLCand is used with permission.

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Minecraft: Builders & Biomes (Board Game)

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