Hive (Board Game)
A Game Buzzing With PossibilitiesHive is a highly addictive strategic game for two players that is notrestricted by a board and can be played anywhere on any flat surface. Hive ismade up of twenty two pieces, eleven black and eleven...
Hive: Ladybug (Micro Expansion)
The Ladybug was first introduced to the iPhone version of Hive in 2010. Itis included in the “Carbon” and “Pocket” versions of Hive, and has beenreleased as an expansion for the original Bakelite edition of the Hivebase game.Features: The Ladybug...
Hive: Mosquito - Micro Expansion (2 Players)
Hive: Mosquito – Micro ExpansionThe Mosquito pieces can be added to a standard Hive set before the start ofthe game giving each player 12 pieces to play with.Features: During the game, they are placed in the same way as the...
Hive: Pillbug (Micro Expansion)
Hive: The Pillbug is a new pair of tiles that can be addedto HiveThe pillbug moves like the queen bee—one space at a time—but it also hasa special ability that it may use instead of moving. This ability allows thepillbug...